Swelling six months after surgery

Posted by bean1 @bean1, Feb 2, 2024

I had a double mastectomy for ILC - on left side, on chest wall. no lymph node involvement. stage 1A. Surgery was done in September. Six months later - I am noticing swelling in left breast area and side of where breast was. I have been seeing a PT to monitor for lymphmedma. Any ideas why?

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I had swelling right after surgery from lumpectomy ILC left breast. 11mm at 12:30 6cm from nipple. I had aspirations 8 times for a month with ultrasound. Finally it stopped. There seems to be swelling again but ultrasound 4 months after surgery shows scar tissue from lymph node surgery. Will be checked again in two months.


Seems that 30% of women end up with lymphedema at some point. Why? One cause is high BMI….and removal of auxiliary nodes, damage by radiation therapy or damage to nerves, etc during surgery.

I have breast lymphedema and only had lumpectomy and 2 sentinel nodes removed.

Am taking olive leaf and olive fruit extract with hydroxytyrosol tablets called total Olive which is supposed to help lymphedema. Study posted on pub Med site…


That's exactly what happened to me--six months almost exactly to the day after a double mastectomy a large swelling erupted under my scar on the left side where I'd had the tumor and where four nodes removed. No one had spoken to me about lymphedema or indicated any caution about steps to avoid precipitating it. (I have trouble not being angry about the complete lack of notification that such a condition even existed.) I'd flown a bunch in the two weeks immediately preceding that eruption of swelling (11 flights), carried a heavy bag on my left side throughout all that traveling, gotten vaccinations, blood draws, blood pressure, etc., all on the left side. I'm glad to hear about the Pub Med article, thank you; I will look it up. Now (almost two years later) I'm trying to do whatever possible to proactively keep the swelling down to the minimal "preclinical" stage it's been reduced to by this point (manual lymph drainage, KT tape, compression garments). My impression is that the physical &/or occupational therapists **who have had the lymphedema training** can be absolutely the most helpful; it's almost as though doctors don't know how to deal with it, ESPECIALLY when it's on the torso. I think (IMHO) they can't really measure it on the torso--as compared to the arm, where one arm can be compared to the other--and by the time it's really swollen up, it's a difficult situation. I have a friend who has to get hooked up to a machine for an hour a day to deal with her torso lymphedema. I'd do anything to keep from getting to that point. My sense is that we have to be our own advocates and resources on this; it's like a neglected area of post-cancer surgery recovery with poorly disseminated knowledge and/or a shallow pool of professional interest. Sorry to ramble on. I have found support and learned from others on this platform. I would look forward to a continuing conversation about experiences and learning from others dealing with this. I could only meet with the therapist five times total and I've been running on what she told/taught me and what I've gleaned from the lymphedema textbook I purchased on her suggestion along with two other books (one from the American Cancer Society and the other from Canada). Let us know how you are doing!


I found that stress, flying, and lack of specific exercises contributed to my lymphedema. I saw a lymphedema specialist whotaught me exercises to do daily.


I found that stress, flying, and lack of specific exercises contributed to my lymphedema. I saw a lymphedema specialist whotaught me exercises to do daily.

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What kinds of exercises is the specialist having you do? I would really appreciate comparing notes. I exercise on my own, but only with a routine of my own. The therapist just showed me the manual lymph drainage movements.


Do any of you have lymphedema on your back? I have a swelling under my breast and torso, arm pit and top of arm and upper/mid back. I can manage my arm, chest and abdomen but need a massage therapist to keep the back swelling down. Ugh


I AM HAVING swelling under my arm as well. It seems to come and go. I am wearing the sleeve for a few hours at night and doing exercises. Best of luck to you my friend


Hi Inlowe70:

I totally hear about your anger about lymphedema.
I had a hard time getting through the anger myself and it took weeks.
I was angry that I had to deal with this and felt that life was almost normal when I had to add daily manual massage to it….

I have seen a lymphedema PT
on and off since September between her schedule openings and mine.

I am going to get a 2nd opinion PT and more appointments with the 2nd opinion person.
I have asked twice if I have stomach lymphedema and have google no response.
I have armpit and left breast lymphedema.
When I massage across at the belly button area, those stomach rolls get smaller.
Then all the lymph is on the right side and was not told to massage down on right side…


What kinds of exercises is the specialist having you do? I would really appreciate comparing notes. I exercise on my own, but only with a routine of my own. The therapist just showed me the manual lymph drainage movements.

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try http://www.medbridgego.com accesscode: HM7MJRJP


lots of stretching of the arm - up the wall, over my head, and out to the side. It appears to be working most of the time. Try to use your arm like you use the other arm; keep the fluids moving. Good luck

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