Has anyone been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis

Posted by gcranor @gcranor, Jan 26, 2024

My eye doctor suspect that I may have Myasthenia Gravis. I read about the symptoms and been seeing different neurologist and they had never suggested that I may have Myasthenia Gravis disease. My eye lids closes half way, I can’t swallow, nor breathe fully, numbness in my arms and hand.
My question is why does it an eye doctor to find what could be causing my issues?
What is Myasthenia Gravis really, is it just another catch all for something they don’t under stand.

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Myasthenia graves is a true diagnosis. And a serious disease! My brother-in-law has it. He was diagnosed by his neurologist, she is wonderful!
He had a hard time with muscle weakness, eye lid drooping and swallowing. He lost 40lbs before he was diagnosed. Medicine has help with him swallowing and muscle weakness. But he gets confused more often.
You might want to consider getting a 2nd opinion from a different neurologist?
Good luck


Can it be cause my chemical exposures like when I was in the service at 17 and worked and exposed to a number of chemicals?

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