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Long COVID: Accepting my new normal

Post-COVID Recovery & COVID-19 | Last Active: Feb 26 10:31pm | Replies (52)

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So sorry to hear of your shortness of breath issues. I’ve had covid 19 twice, once in 12/19, and again in 6/22. Three weeks after testing positive in 6/22, I started with the Post Covid 19 symptoms of shortness of breath. It would affect my walking across a parking lot, putting on my compression stockings. I was also diagnosed with Lymphedema of the lower extremities in 9/22. My pulsometer readings ran low 89-90. I found a local Post Covid 19 Recovery Clinic locally. Thankfully I was referred to a pulmonary doctor who sent me for a pulmonary function test and 6 minute walking test, along with a chest xray. During the pulmonary function test I was given an albuterol inhaler since I struggled to blow out, feeling like a wall went up. After using the inhaler, the test was repeated with much better results. Based on the testing I was diagnosed with bronchial asthma and now use an albuterol rescue inhaler every 4 hours as needed. If I know I’ll be walking an extended distance, I use it proactively, rather than waiting to get out of breath. Because of daytime sleepiness post covid I was referred for a sleep study. During the study I was put on oxygen at 2 AM, after waking up to use the bathroom . The technician told me my O2 had dropped to 85%. I’d been having disrupted sleep waking up every 2-3 hours, often 5 times a night. Fortunately I was able to go back to sleep. But, I never woke up breathless so I had no idea what was waking me up. I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. My CPap machine using a nasal pillow has become my new best friend. I now sleep 6-7 hours on the CPap waking once a night to use the bathroom. My O2 level is usually 92 in the morning.
Hope this helps someone who is struggling. I actually found out about my local Post Covid 19 Recovery Clinic by my nephew’s wife at a graduation party in 5/23. My PC didn’t tell me about it. I researched online, and called the following morning. No doctor referral was needed. The first interaction was an online appointment with many questions asked and I answered. The next appointment was a face to face with no clinical testing. The nurse practicioner asked more questions based on previous answers and gave me an opportunity to expand upon them. From that initial appointment in 6/23 I was referred for a sleep study, which led to the pulmonary function test, 6 minute walking test and chest xray. My first round of covid 19 in December 2019, I was diagnosed with pneumonia. The xray showed scarring of the lower left lobe of my lungs. The albuterol inhaler has helped me to become more active keeping my O2 level at 90-91.

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Replies to "So sorry to hear of your shortness of breath issues. I’ve had covid 19 twice, once..."

Through all the Covid and long Covid, based on CT scans, exrays, and pulmonary function testing, there is no lung damage. There is no opaque presentation, ground glass, or scar tissue.

But, I contract bronchitis fairly regularly, am unable to do any physical work, no exercise, and no walking of aubstance. All these things I try make everything worse. A link to PEM on this thread explained that for me. Thanks to all which spoke about that issue.

Back to bronchitis and lung function.

I have had long covid many times since Dec 12, 2020. The regimen my PC doc, my wife, and I have determed the best is:

1) recognize the overall symptom quickly (fatigue, sleepy, possible feaver from Covid, flu, RSV, or other respiratory virus),
2) begin puff of albuterol and budesimide, repeating albiterol each 4 to 6 hours and budesimide each 12 hours,
3) get rapid tests of all other viruses, get blood sample for Sars CoV-2 antibody test (only 100% fool proof way to determine Covid negative or positive for having or had ashort time prior to blood test,
4) begin all other plant source treatments for positive identified pathogens. I am allergic to many medications, so tamiflu or like, cause issues and/or fail.
The plant phytochems in the plant itself or in supplement form (available to absorb) are most of my solutions outside of prednisone, and
5) get on azithromycin, a very broad spectrum antobiotic with high efficacy on: a) rwpiratory bacteria (specifically pneumonicaucal), b) mycoplasma (cause flu-like symptoms), and non respiratory bacteria.

The faster one attacks, the faster the minimizing or preventing other infections and symptoms..

I also have similar issues and need to begin items 1-5 with: high pollen count, dusty conditions,
