← Return to Lobular Breast Cancer: Let's share and support each other


Lobular Breast Cancer: Let's share and support each other

Breast Cancer | Last Active: May 9 10:00pm | Replies (352)

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Had 11mm 12:30 6cm from nipple ILC left breast cancer. Did not show up on mammo missed on ultra sound. I felt myself in left breast. Immediately did manmo .did not show up again. Had ultrasound with me pointing to rock feeling lump. Had core biopsy. Had mri which showed it perfectly. Had lumpectomy. Margins clear. Lymph nodes clear. No radiation. No chemo. My testing and blood did not warrant. No hormone blocker meds. 4% chance cancer comes back after having hormone blocker for five years and radiation. 8% chance coming back without radiation and hormone blocker meds for 5 years. 92% chance cancer not coming back . I am thin and have osteo penia. With hormone blocker i will probably get osteoporosis. Had hystectomy. 1 year prior to breast cancer So no hormones from ovaries. Mammo did not show ILC so having ultra sounds of breast in may. And mri bilateral in July 1 year out from last mri. Apparently mammo does not show cobweb ILC. Thank God I found my cancer myself. I felt it. I am going to have ultra sound and mri from now on. You have to be your own advocate .

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Replies to "Had 11mm 12:30 6cm from nipple ILC left breast cancer. Did not show up on mammo..."

Amen sister!