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Can you tell me more about energy work?

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I’ve never practiced any kind of energy work, so I can’t really explain it. What I’ve done is had energy work done on myself & my animals. Mostly it’s been Reiki. With Reiki, the most calming & relaxing energy you can imagine comes from the hands of the practitioner. Not only do I feel it, I see my animals respond to it. When the practitioner comes to my house to work with me or my dogs, my cat will come running from wherever she is, & go right up to the practitioner to get her share. She aims it at the person or animal she’s there to give it to, but that energy fill the room.

The energy work I’m getting right now is a bit different. I don’t know what the difference is. The doctor has her hands on me. She’s reaching specific parts of my body. While it’s happening, I don’t feel anything. It’s not the relaxing, putting you to sleep calmness of Reiki.
The first few times I had it done, I felt terrible for several days afterwords, so I could tell that my body was reacting to it. My doctor said that was normal, and you can feel like you have the flu. Now my body isn’t responding as strongly. I come home & sleep the day away, and feel fine when I wake up.

I’ve had knots in my shoulders. They’re so hard that they can’t get massaged out. I’ve had them for years. Since I’ve been getting these energy treatments, they’ve disappeared. She’s not working on these knots. I don’t think she knows I have them. Still, that’s been one of the side effects that’s let me know there are changes happening in my body. And of course the fact that I’m improving.