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Hi to all here and thank you for the opportunity to share my story. I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus in 1999 but have struggled with muscle pain and other weird sensations from childhood on. I regularly see my rheumatologist and am being treated with plaquenil and two immunosuppressants. I just had an appointment last week that started out as a normal examination, then took a turn. He began to question me about different symptoms that I have and the numbness and tingling in my leg, a new vision problem and increased fatigue. Whatever I said led him to suspect that I may have MS. I’m having an MRI and a nerve conduction study soon. This was a very surprising development and I have had trouble accepting the possibility of something else going on. It took years to diagnose my Lupus and I just don’t want to go down this road. I feel overwhelmed and very discouraged and have considered just canceling the appointments and ignoring the whole thing. This is not the way I usually deal with things so I am surprised at my emotions. Has anyone else experienced this when faced with a new diagnosis? I would like to discuss this further. Thank you for listening.

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Replies to "Hi to all here and thank you for the opportunity to share my story. I was..."

definitely @twinkie23 have felt this way before but I had to rely on my faith (Christ) to steer me back, and quickly, because that was a dark place that I'm not willing to sit, stand, or even lie in. I pray that you do find your faith (whatever that looks like). This is no cliche nor story tail! It was at my lowest point, I find strength to strive, to believe when believing is/was hard. You could have Lupus & MS. I'm the type that would rather know than wish I had known (once I'm at the end of my life). Bless You. Love your way~

Hi Terriann - I'm sorry you have so much to contend with right now. A psychologist told me when I was diagnosed that 'you can't worry about something that might never happen' and that has helped me a lot though the years. You have to do whatever you feel comfortable with regardless of anything anyone else tells you. It needs to feel right to you. MS and Lupus seem fairly similar to me. My first cousin has Lupus and our issues seem similar so it might not be much different from what you are experiencing right now. I recently tried Botox for nerve pain in my leg and it has made a tremendous difference. Hopefully you can look into it. My thoughts are with you.