Intermediate Oncotype score: Did you choose chemo?

Posted by brighterdays @brighterdays, Mar 28, 2023

Hello! I’m 47. At the beginning of the year I was diagnosed with IDC and had a lumpectomy. Tumor was 14mm, grade 3, ki67 was 40%. Stage 1A, 0 nodes. I got my Oncotype result back yesterday and it was 16. My oncologist immediately said I needed chemo even though I’m in the low intermediate range. She wants to put me on taxotere and Cytoxan every 3 weeks for 4 times.
Has anyone had a similar experience where your oncologist strongly pushed for chemo with an intermediate Oncotype score? If you’ve had those drugs administered for chemo, how did you handle it? Thank you.

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I am really interested in these posts. I just got my oncotype back and it was 17 so intermediate and I am 42. I was actually really disappointed. My oncologist is adamant chemo isn't necessary. I am starting on radiotherapy and having Tamoxifen. However I had heard about ovarian suppression as well and she said we would discuss this when I see what side effects I have with Tamoxifen.

I feel very uneasy about not having the chemo when there is a small benefit. I am also getting myself very concerned about ovarian suppression ( I had no idea this was a possibility for me ) Does anyone have any experience of this or thoughts the intermediate oncotype

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Remember the choice is always yours to make, with your doctor. If you really feel uneasy about this, a second opinion never hurts. A good doctor never feels slighted when you get one, but you can just go get one if you want to feel reassured you have all the information.
I will say they are finding chemo is unnecessary in fewer cases than previously believed. Chemo is not a fun experience, but as you said you are pretty young and your choices now are really important. Because I was also young, I did everything including oopherectomy, but there really weren’t any other options for me.
Are you comfortable with trusting your doctors recommendations alone or would you like to get a second opinion?


Dear Jbp@jbp:

Sorry to learn about the recurrence of the BC:(

I admire your positive thinking attitude and courage to share your experience with us! I am wondering whether the recurrence' happening on the same side or the other? Since you had done all you'd been offered - chemo, radiation treatments and years of AIs...

Thanks again for sharing your personal experience to guide us! Wishing you well and healthy, happily striving forward on the journey ahead!

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The recurrence was metastases in my liver and bones. Much more likely to occur than in the breast.


The recurrence was metastases in my liver and bones. Much more likely to occur than in the breast.

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You are in my thoughts and prayers, dear @jbp, for we are comrades in spirit...

Thanks again for your advice!


Mine was very similar, Stage 1, grade 3. But my Oncotype was 22. They told me I did not need chemo. I had IDC with a lumpectomy and 21 radiation treatments. I was 62 & long past menopause. During the lumpectomy - they found 3 tumors - close to my chest wall. Have genetic testing as well. I close to take an AI - changed drugs once to get one I could tolerate. They recommended 5 to 10 years. I made it to 5. I declined another 5 years as I'm 68 now & they said the reoccurrence rate would only drop by < 3% with another 5 years. Side effects were not worth another 5 years for me. I agree, a reoccurrence is most likely in the bones, brain, liver & lungs. Personally I'd get another opinion. You need to trust your doctor & the recommended treatments. It's a personal choice, so good luck.


I too would get another opinion. My understand Onco of 26 and higher typically they push for chemo. To me that seems like a very low onco for chemo. My onco was 9 and my oncologist said no chemo. Again .. 26 and above is standard .. I got three opinions…. All agreed….

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