Does Gabapentin have any side effects?

Posted by skip @skipneuroathy, Jan 12, 2024

I have had neuropathy (chemo induced) since 2009. In the early years, under doctor's directions I had to gradually increase my daily intake of gabapentin to 2300 mg (yes, 2.3 grams) until I felt any relief from the pain, burning, ...etc. I had to gradually decrease my intake to 0 mg because of the 8 possible side effects that Google reported, I had 3 of them. The one of most concern to me was double vision. The other two were extreme tiredness and I could fall asleep while I was talking to you. After stropping taking gabapentin, I do not have double vision but am still sleep deprived. Since that time I have used a mild Vicodin for some years, an d now tramadol. I have been very careful to not take more than prescribed. In fact, I do not take pain meds during the day. If I hurt, I just hurt.
I found that Tylenol helps between the more stronger meds. I found some socks that I wear at night that offers I some relief.

Now I'll pontificate a bit. I have been married for 70 years to a really good woman, have children, grand children and great grand children, am a Korean War Vet, 92 years old, and have truly enjoyed teaching for 40 years as a high school and university teacher and have had many other experiences that have fulfilled my life, so it has been a good ride. So, even though our neuropathy will always be with us, as much as possible, keep smiling keep helping others less fortunate than , and keep on keeping on.

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My ex has gained 70 lbs on that drug. My current spouse was put on Lyrica and his feet swelled up sizes of footballs and he got a massive rash on both feet and ankles. Went away when he stopped taking. I will note my current spouse is a liver transplant so I don’t know if that was somehow connected nor do his doctors. I took Lyrica and got so dizzy I threw up.


Hi. I've been taking gabapentin for almost a year, now, I have allodynia (neuropathy that makes the skin on my back painful). I am so lucky that it is only that, and not some of the debilitating PNs that some of you face. The Gabapentin, 1500mg/day, doesn't completely eliminate it, but it does make it tolerable. As to side effects, it reduces the sensitivity in my urethra so that I have a hard time peeing. I have to really push to get any pee to come out. That is the only side effect I have, thank goodness. I'd rather deal with that than the excruciating pain on my back. I talked to my urologist, and, because I am female, he says it is not an issue, as it might be for a man.
Good thoughts to all of you.


Tried 300mg at bed for leg cramps and foot and toe pain after foot surgery for a torn anterior tibial tendon. Spinal stenosis causes foot and leg issues as well. That 300mg dose made me sleep very deeply, too deeply. Switched to a single 100mg at night and this has been fine. Every now and then, I taper off. When the cramps or toe pain start waking me in the night, I resume this low dose.


I have severe neuropathy in my left foot due to an anesthesiologist damaging my nerves with a nerve block during surgery. The pain is intense. They started me off with 300mg of Gabapentin three times a day and that wasn't doing anything. Doctors increased it to 600 and now 900mg three times a day. This had to be done gradually. We may have to go up to 1200, but I have to give the 900 dose two weeks to see if it's helping. The only side effect that I have had with the current increase is being very tired and especially groggy at night, but that does help me sleep. This is supposed to go away after your body adjusts so I will see how it goes. Is it helping? It is a little bit but the pain is always there. It has decreased the frequency of the sudden pain that feels like shocks through my foot. I also have a lidocaine patch on the bottom of my foot.


I believe your decision is correct, because if you did get to a 1000 or 1200 mg dose, you would have had to gradually increased to that dosage; HOWEVER, to get off that level you would have to gradually decrease to 0 and still have side effects as you were decreasing. Good luck.

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I stopped gabapentin, per dr instruction. What we thought, was correct. I’d have to increase, to get relief & that wasn’t possible. We’re trying Lyrica, next. I’m going to wait a few weeks, until gabapentin is out of my system. Do you know anything about Qutenza? I’ve been reading about it here. Thanks.


I stopped gabapentin, per dr instruction. What we thought, was correct. I’d have to increase, to get relief & that wasn’t possible. We’re trying Lyrica, next. I’m going to wait a few weeks, until gabapentin is out of my system. Do you know anything about Qutenza? I’ve been reading about it here. Thanks.

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I also tried Lyrica after getting off Gabapentin. with the same side effects as with Gabapentin. My Doc indicated moth meds were really about the same.


I gained 80 lbs on gabapentin and had issues with anger. I derived no positive benefits from this drug.


I was switched to Lyrica from gabapemtin a few weeks ago when I was having hip problems. I had to switch back to gabapentin as it was making the deadness in my feet worse. Lyrica was causing my hand to have nerve pain break through.
I had forgotten that gabapentin gives me a ""high", a little feeling of euphoria about 20 minutes after I take it.
Lyrica also affected my libido to a downhill condition.
I like gabapentin and have never had any problems with it. I'm 82 years old. I take around 900 to 1200 mg a day.


I have severe neuropathy in my left foot due to an anesthesiologist damaging my nerves with a nerve block during surgery. The pain is intense. They started me off with 300mg of Gabapentin three times a day and that wasn't doing anything. Doctors increased it to 600 and now 900mg three times a day. This had to be done gradually. We may have to go up to 1200, but I have to give the 900 dose two weeks to see if it's helping. The only side effect that I have had with the current increase is being very tired and especially groggy at night, but that does help me sleep. This is supposed to go away after your body adjusts so I will see how it goes. Is it helping? It is a little bit but the pain is always there. It has decreased the frequency of the sudden pain that feels like shocks through my foot. I also have a lidocaine patch on the bottom of my foot.

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I take 600mg Gabapentin 3 ×day. I can tell it's doing something but I have breakthrough lightning bolts of pain evening. I live in Florida so I have medical Marijuana for nights.
Ps find Gabapentin seems to adversely affect my memory! I'm 71 and have had severe neuropathy for 15yrs, BK Amp 6 yrs ago.


My spinal cord stimulator is for bladder control; it is not for spine. The principle is somewhat the same. Electrodes are placed close to nerves involved and those nerves are stimulated by an implanted "power" source and control which, in my case, has an external device to alter the amount of stimulation and which electrodes are stimulated. I've been very satisfied with this stimulator.
I also have lower back arthritis which has become quite painful. Fortunately it doesn't hurt if I'm sitting but if I'm on my feet, walking or doing anything it becomes quite painful within about 5 minutes, and by bedtime it is very painful. My spine doc has suggested adding a spinal cord stimulator to help control the back pain. I'm in the information gathering phase of considering this pain control device.

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