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Look into the HOlep procedure for BPH. I've had BPH for about 20 years and took Flomax. 2019 was diagnosed having prostate cancer and been on hormone treatment Lupron. I researched BPH treatments but previous medical plan doctors wouldn't touch it because of the cancer. After switching medical plan and doctors I met with several urologist on best treatment for my BPH. They ultimately concluded HOlep (holeum laser embolism of the prostate}. Procedure is using a laser to core out the prostate of tissue surrounding the urethra and bladder taking pressure off the area and allowing normal urinary function. No surgery. All done through the penis. Excellent statistics with less than 1% incontinence. Outcome was 100% excellent with full relief and normal urination finally. Wish I had this done 20 years ago. Only issue was the catheter required for about a week. I'm 77. Check it out.

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Replies to "Look into the HOlep procedure for BPH. I've had BPH for about 20 years and took..."

Thank you for your comment about the HOlep for BPH. I was not familiar with it and will look into it. Were you put to sleep for the procedure? I have a really large prostate at 123cc which limits some BPH treatments. Thanks.

what is your cancer situation? Did you have it treated? Which procedure?

Thank you for your quick reply! Take care.