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Hello @coffeecraz, welcome to Connect. I merged your discussion with another one titled, "Having knee replacement: how to prepare and questions about PT." I did this because some of the conversation is relevant to the issues you are having and so the members in this discussion would see your post and have a chance to share their experiences. You may also find the following knee replacement discussions relevant as well:

- After knee replacement surgery, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/after-knee-replacement-surgery/
- Limited ROM after knee replacement, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/limited-rom-after-total-knee-replacement/
- Gait after TKR, https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/gait-after-tkr/

@coffeecraz, many members talk about how they have issues with flexion (I am in that camp), so it is great to hear that you are doing well in that area. Does your knee being at 4 when resting for extension cause any issues with you? I am curious if that is enough to concern your surgeon in regards to your gait? 5 weeks is pretty fresh still and it sounds like you are making progress early on. Walking was difficult for me as well and took some time to get used to.

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Replies to "Hello @coffeecraz, welcome to Connect. I merged your discussion with another one titled, "Having knee replacement:..."

For me I think I naturally hyper-extended while standing, and the other leg being at 4, I just can't do it with the left leg anymore (at least right now) and I seem to sometimes have it bend unexpectedly - maybe it's more time rebuilding strength and re-learning or un-learning. I see my surgeon first week of August. I want to get back to sports - at least low impact, I"m 52 need to stay active and maintain my weight which finally is normal. Walking takes so much concentration right now, still not steady - I'm planning a 5k in October and really want to finish under time limit. How much time before became 'normal' again?