Arimidex and side effects

Posted by jayne1959 @jayne1959, Jan 26 6:26pm

When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April 2019, I had a Lumpectomy to my Left Breast and then 5 weeks of Radiation.
Then started on Femara which caused joint pain and my oncologist switched me to Arimidex.
I took it fatefully for 2 years and then I was having UTI’s one right after another and after I took medication for it. I mentioned this to my oncologist who laughed and said the Arimidex had nothing to do with it.
I decided to see if the UTI’s would stop after stopping the Arimidex and believe it or not, it did.
I did not appreciate my oncologist laughing at me for asking a question so I never started the Arimidex back and it’s been almost 3 years come July-August 2024.
I know the risks of it returning and some of the pathology reported Grade 2 & 3 and it read High Grade DCIS. My Ki-67 was 20.
Has anyone else had continuous UTI’s while taking Arimidex?

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I’m wondering if taking probiotics would help prevent these infections for those of us with low estrogen.

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It will be interesting to see what comes of newer more extensive research on probiotics. When our microbiome is healthier, our bodies function better.
I would probably depend more on using Replens to balance the vaginal ph, and maybe vaginal grade hydraulic acid to help moisturizing.
I have not had any UTIs although I was very low estrogen before cancer diagnosis and now on Tamoxifen. The tamoxifen must be acting as an agonist in my vaginal area as all atrophy and dryness that I had been having since menopause, at least 15 years of progressively worsening issues, are now all gone. It reminds me about how powerful a drug tamoxifen is.


Stopping the Arimidex, stopped the UTI’s and having my Oncologist laughing at me when I mentioned the constant UTI’s and made me feel like an idiot so I had to find out myself and stopped the Arimidex.
It was awful and trying to get someone to listen but no one ever would.

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I had a small ischemic stroke while on my AI and my oncologist said that can happen. She wanted me to continue the AI I now have a new oncologist. I never went back to her.
My oncologist and I decided it was not worth the risk of another stroke. I stopped the AI after 2 and half years.
I feel so much better. But I wish I could have taken them for the added protection.
I have lost weight, no alcohol and I walk 10,000 daily. Hopefully this will help protect me.


Thank you and I wish you the best in your health.


This is good info from ACOG, American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists:
“Why does estrogen loss cause UTIs? Estrogen helps tissues in your vagina and urethra stay elastic and moist. Estrogen loss can thin these tissues and cause dryness, irritation, and other changes that set the stage for UTIs.

For example, estrogen loss weakens the muscles of your urethra. This makes it easier for bacteria to enter your urethra and move up to your bladder.

Estrogen also raises the level of healthy bacteria that normally live in your vagina and bladder. Healthy bacteria help fight off infection-causing bacteria. After menopause, low estrogen means you have less healthy bacteria to help prevent infections.”

AIs leave us with no, or almost none, estrogen. It is very unfortunate when specialists only look at the top, highest frequency, side effects that are listed by the manufacturer.

Link to article:,the%20muscles%20of%20your%20urethra.

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Prior to my lumpectomy, I was using Estradiol every couple of days because i have a history of frequent UTIs. The Estradiol was applied externally every couple of nights before bed. My oncologist directed me to stop using it, obviously because it contained estrogen. That was May 2022 when I started on anastrozole and I was good for awhile but late last year, had a couple of utis right in a row. In response to my concern about not being able to use it, my PA recommended coconut oil. I now use it every night and although one uti did sneak in, I’ve been good otherwise. You can google and see that coconut oil does offer protection..


Try non estrogen vaginal moisturizers and if that doesn’t help ask the oncologist if a VERY LOW estrogen vaginal cream might be ok for you. It generally stays local I’m told.

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Yes to the low dose vaginal tablet. Cancer research finally agreed that since any vaginal use stays LOCALIZED and poses no risks. Anything taken by mouth would be SYSTEMIC, traveling throughout your body, and would increase risks for anyone taking aromatase inhibitors to treat ER+ breast cancer.(I will look up this research source and get back to you!) ♥


Yes to the low dose vaginal tablet. Cancer research finally agreed that since any vaginal use stays LOCALIZED and poses no risks. Anything taken by mouth would be SYSTEMIC, traveling throughout your body, and would increase risks for anyone taking aromatase inhibitors to treat ER+ breast cancer.(I will look up this research source and get back to you!) ♥

Jump to this post posted that article on localized vaginal estrogen.


Yes to the low dose vaginal tablet. Cancer research finally agreed that since any vaginal use stays LOCALIZED and poses no risks. Anything taken by mouth would be SYSTEMIC, traveling throughout your body, and would increase risks for anyone taking aromatase inhibitors to treat ER+ breast cancer.(I will look up this research source and get back to you!) ♥

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There are good vaginal moisturizer creams as well. Not familiar with a “tablet”.


Stopping the Arimidex, stopped the UTI’s and having my Oncologist laughing at me when I mentioned the constant UTI’s and made me feel like an idiot so I had to find out myself and stopped the Arimidex.
It was awful and trying to get someone to listen but no one ever would.

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I think they’re all immune by now to these complications with these drugs. I’m on anastrozole and tired all the time bone aches headaches every day. It’s something different. But no UTIs. I loved my hormones but now with zero left I get cranky a lot easier and don’t sleep well. Hugs to you.


Prior to my lumpectomy, I was using Estradiol every couple of days because i have a history of frequent UTIs. The Estradiol was applied externally every couple of nights before bed. My oncologist directed me to stop using it, obviously because it contained estrogen. That was May 2022 when I started on anastrozole and I was good for awhile but late last year, had a couple of utis right in a row. In response to my concern about not being able to use it, my PA recommended coconut oil. I now use it every night and although one uti did sneak in, I’ve been good otherwise. You can google and see that coconut oil does offer protection..

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I use coconut oil- but not because of UTIs - for moisturizer - seems to help.


Yes to the low dose vaginal tablet. Cancer research finally agreed that since any vaginal use stays LOCALIZED and poses no risks. Anything taken by mouth would be SYSTEMIC, traveling throughout your body, and would increase risks for anyone taking aromatase inhibitors to treat ER+ breast cancer.(I will look up this research source and get back to you!) ♥

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Thank you. I would greatly appreciate that.

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