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Welcome @baxterdean, I know it must be a daily struggle for you when nothing seems to be helping the symptoms. This sounds similar but points to the vaccine vs having Covid.

"COVID-19 vaccination with messenger RNA and viral vector vaccines may cause acute anterior uveitis. Although initially severe, uveitis responded well to steroid therapy with no visual impairment."
--- New onset of acute uveitis following COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9358066/

Did your doctor start you on any treatment when you were diagnosed with Anterior Uveitis?

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Replies to "Welcome @baxterdean, I know it must be a daily struggle for you when nothing seems to..."

Thanks for your response and listening, @johnbishop.

As for the vaccine causing my uveitis, I can't say that I would fall into that category. As luck would have it, my first covid was contracted 6 days before I was scheduled to get my booster/3rd shot. I haven't had a vaccine since Nov '21 and my eye issue started in June '22 after my second covid. Went to my primary doc then and they told me that "research is still being done" and to come back if symptoms worsen. Thinking that I (along with the internet;)) could handle anything on my own, I didn't start seeing specialists for my symptoms until Apr '23 after they all were amplified by my third covid in Feb'23.

Yes, I was prescribed a steroid drop for 4 weeks. Started at 4 times a day, then down to once a day. The uveitis was still evident at my first follow up visit, so I was instructed to do a single drop for another week and then come back in 5 months. There was no evidence of uveitis, or anything else, at my last visit but my eye symptoms were (and still are) the same. The doc gave me a numbing drop that day which made my eye feel better/different which, led her to mention a nerve. That, along with my physical therapist now working with me for visual vertigo, has me looking for answers on my own, unfortunately, which is why I am probing for the possibility of nerve damage being involved.

Thank you again for listening, I appreciate your, and anyone else's insight. And, I know there may not be any answers out there just yet but, I am thankful that I found this community to help me feel like I am not going through this alone.