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When I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it was my third cancer diagnosis. When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer, I had two young children and a marriage that was falling apart. I was in a complete stake of shock and my world was turned upside down and inside out. Then my oncologist and surgeon did not agree on the surgery (surgeon didn't think more surgery was needed after the local resection of the cancer and the oncologist disagreed). I had to take it upon myself to find someone for a second opinion. More chaos and confusion as I wound up trying to find my own consultant. The second opinion was very helpful. Once I had chosen my doctors and come up with a treatment plan, things settled down a bit.

With my second cancer, I felt a bit on more familiar territory and didn't wind up with too much with second opinions, my second opinion oncologist suggested the BRCA testing. Based on my family history, he thought the risk of the gene was about 13%. Shock of all shocks, I was found to have the BRCA1 gene. Did not turn my world upside down completely, but certainly changed things. At that point I was divorced and I went along and redid my will and trust.
Now with my third diagnosis, I am really a veteran, but I have much more idea how to advocate for myself and do my own research about my cancer and its treatment. Again I had to refer myself to a center of excellence, but wasn't too difficult for me to see where that should be.

I have learned from every story I read on this forum. We will be there to help you however we can. You probably do feel alone, but you are not at all alone. I hope you will keep talking to this group. I am sure we will all learn from your experience. Others can tell you how they have coped with their diagnosis and initial reactions.

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Replies to "When I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, it was my third cancer diagnosis. When I was..."

What a neat testimonial for advocating for yourself, @gardenlady1116. Your journey with cancer has taken you down many roads and you have navigated the roads very well.

Your post reminds us that a cancer diagnosis never hits at a good time. There are usually other bumps in our road, and this new diagnosis represents just one more thing to deal with. I admire your tenacity and I hope that other members learn from your experience!

How are you feeling right now?