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Allergy to B vitamins

Neuropathy | Last Active: Jan 28 10:21pm | Replies (8)

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I had Covid (3)s and swelling, nausea, headaches, etc. So I went old school and started with nutrition.
I have been on an elimination diet since Nov 2023. I started my food life from scratch. Christmas morning had hives, swollen face, neck, and chest, from (fresh from my baker) Brioche bread. Confirmed bread allergy 5 days later when I had same reaction to just the bread itself. 2 weeks goes by and I added Eggo waffles, same reaction but also wheezed. Naturally thought a flour or gluten allergy.
This week I added in my Vitamins. Multi and B complex. I swelled up in face and neck, wheezing, had to take Benadryl x 3 two days ago.
I just took my B complex alone today...same reaction!!!
I think I'm allergic to B vitamins. Niacin mono nitrate (b 1) is in both Brioche bread And waffles.
Confirmed by blood test, I do not have gluten issues. Like another person reported about COVID-19. Did it mess up bodies " motherboard" ( funny BTW to who wrote that)
Is a B allergy truly possible.??
Any more thoughts??

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Replies to "I had Covid (3)s and swelling, nausea, headaches, etc. So I went old school and started..."

Greetings - "dasu" thanks for sharing your experience with vitamins, foods and your allergic response (and even sounds asthmatic)! It's weird how COVID affects everyone differently - and sometimes people look at me skeptically when I talk about my weird symptoms post COVID - (which I had over 2 years ago)! I don't think we have a clue yet as to what the long term effects of COVID are.

I’m sorry that you’ve had to discover the hard way about your B vitamins allergy. I do hope you look into items made with UNenriched flour, which is fortified with artificial forms of B vitamins, among others.
In your case, with the extreme reactions, you may not want to try these, but I am using gluten and dairy free methylated B vitamins because sometimes the fillers in vitamins and medicine pills/capsules are allergens, and because I do not break down lab-created B vitamins, and methylation takes care of that part of the process for me so that I may absorb them. Be sure, before you write off B vitamins which are essential to health, that the culprit is neither filler nor lab created “folic acid” vs natural form “folate”. Unfortunately USA standards make no distinction between the two and some companies even label their food or supplements as having folate when it is, in fact, folic acid. Be very careful so as to not risk anaphylaxis.