Burning in inner thighs and needle pinch burning in feet

Posted by sufiyan2kom @sufiyan2kom, Nov 20, 2023

4 months ago my inner thighs started buring when i was standing and walking for few steps, after 2 months my feet started burning and feeling like niddle pinching. I have done diabatis test, vitamins test D and B12 test, thyroid are normal. Even did nurve conduction studay and surel nurve biopsy all are negative except I have decresed disk space L4/L5 and L5/S1 and MRI report attached. Please advise is there any other investigation required and What could be the problum causing.

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I took Gabapentin for 2 weeks, but had to stop due to blurred vision. During that time, my burning was almost completely gone, but it didn’t affect the tingling or numbness. Right now, even though I don’t take the Gabapentin anymore, my burn spot is about the same as with the med. I’ve learned it may take months or years for the B12 deficiency damage to repair,

The neurologist prescribed me Lexapro, which I have not started yet. I hesitated for several reasons, including side effects and getting off it. Anyway, when I went to the neurologist, I also had fasciculations throughout my body. He said to treat my symptoms, since there was no neuropathy. My reading indicates that not only can covid cause the tingling, numbness, etc., but so can anxiety. I do have extremely high anxiety right now due to a family situation that I’m trying to resolve. Plus, it runs in my family.

So, I began therapy to help with my anxiety and the physical ailments that I have. Plus, I have smell and taste disorders (from covid) that is very stressful and emotionally draining. And, I’m in the process of a metamorphosis …physically and emotionally. (Lost 60 pounds so far and getting into shape. Lots of changes.) I love therapy and believe it really has helped me a lot! I’m trying to let go of pains and ailments and focus on my good health. I’m fortunate to have good energy, motivation and a good healthy body, with a few exceptions.

I hope you can figure out what you’re experiencing. I get satisfaction from gaining information about ailments, but sometimes it works against me and pushes me to anxiety. I have to put the brakes on it.

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I also had/have fasiculations, painful calves, and a bunched sock feeling under my toes.I was on magnesium and it is better, Now it is numbness in three toes and hot feet with tingling. I had covid about a year ago. I recovered ok. This all started in September, and keeps progressing. I am on a small amount of Lexapro. It helps with the depression of going from 100% healthy to 20% of what I used to do.... I look normal to everyone but I am in pain/uncomfortable all the time. I think my gabapentin is too low 100 2x day....


I took Gabapentin for 2 weeks, but had to stop due to blurred vision. During that time, my burning was almost completely gone, but it didn’t affect the tingling or numbness. Right now, even though I don’t take the Gabapentin anymore, my burn spot is about the same as with the med. I’ve learned it may take months or years for the B12 deficiency damage to repair,

The neurologist prescribed me Lexapro, which I have not started yet. I hesitated for several reasons, including side effects and getting off it. Anyway, when I went to the neurologist, I also had fasciculations throughout my body. He said to treat my symptoms, since there was no neuropathy. My reading indicates that not only can covid cause the tingling, numbness, etc., but so can anxiety. I do have extremely high anxiety right now due to a family situation that I’m trying to resolve. Plus, it runs in my family.

So, I began therapy to help with my anxiety and the physical ailments that I have. Plus, I have smell and taste disorders (from covid) that is very stressful and emotionally draining. And, I’m in the process of a metamorphosis …physically and emotionally. (Lost 60 pounds so far and getting into shape. Lots of changes.) I love therapy and believe it really has helped me a lot! I’m trying to let go of pains and ailments and focus on my good health. I’m fortunate to have good energy, motivation and a good healthy body, with a few exceptions.

I hope you can figure out what you’re experiencing. I get satisfaction from gaining information about ailments, but sometimes it works against me and pushes me to anxiety. I have to put the brakes on it.

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Hi everyone and sufiyan2,

We all feel empathy for your situation.
I have diabetic Type 2 symptoms in feet starting 1 month ago, including cramps and prickling. As of now, I have great anxiety.

I tried and lost 20 pounds of weight, eating a low carb diet.

Gabapentin helped with the mild pain. Exercise helps temporarily.

I hope this post helps you.


I also had/have fasiculations, painful calves, and a bunched sock feeling under my toes.I was on magnesium and it is better, Now it is numbness in three toes and hot feet with tingling. I had covid about a year ago. I recovered ok. This all started in September, and keeps progressing. I am on a small amount of Lexapro. It helps with the depression of going from 100% healthy to 20% of what I used to do.... I look normal to everyone but I am in pain/uncomfortable all the time. I think my gabapentin is too low 100 2x day....

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Ladydi48, mine started in September too! We have a lot of similar symptoms. I hope your fasciculations fade, like mine did. They can be very disconcerting. The fear of ALS and PD was real.

How do you like the Lexapro? I’m getting to start it soon. I’m afraid of weight gain and interfering with orgasms.

I would still be taking 100 of Gabapentin if it hadn’t caused me blurred vision. It helped me rest and made me feel really good, even the next day.


Hi everyone and sufiyan2,

We all feel empathy for your situation.
I have diabetic Type 2 symptoms in feet starting 1 month ago, including cramps and prickling. As of now, I have great anxiety.

I tried and lost 20 pounds of weight, eating a low carb diet.

Gabapentin helped with the mild pain. Exercise helps temporarily.

I hope this post helps you.

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Congratulations on the weight loss! That’s quite an accomplishment. Diabetes is challenging, imo. I’m Type I and not that up on type 2 protocol, but I read a lot and see what work is required.

Are you treating the anxiety?


Ladydi48, mine started in September too! We have a lot of similar symptoms. I hope your fasciculations fade, like mine did. They can be very disconcerting. The fear of ALS and PD was real.

How do you like the Lexapro? I’m getting to start it soon. I’m afraid of weight gain and interfering with orgasms.

I would still be taking 100 of Gabapentin if it hadn’t caused me blurred vision. It helped me rest and made me feel really good, even the next day.

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My fasiculations have gone from one per minute to 20 ish a day. What is your diagnosis? I was told they were benign but I know they were not. Now I get buzzing here there and everywhere. Burning feet and pain ect. I’m thinking the lexapro helped my mood. I was a very upbeat person before Sept


My fasiculations have gone from one per minute to 20 ish a day. What is your diagnosis? I was told they were benign but I know they were not. Now I get buzzing here there and everywhere. Burning feet and pain ect. I’m thinking the lexapro helped my mood. I was a very upbeat person before Sept

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My life was much different before September too. I had some issues here and there, but nothing that rocked me like this. My experience was with feet, hands, body wide fasciculations, plus taste/smell disorder. The anxiety has been incredible. That’s why I’m in talk therapy and have been prescribed Lexapro.

My foot and hand issues were determined by the neurologist to not be neuropathy. The fasciculations were of unknown origin…..so, I guess Benign Fasciculation Disorder. They did leave quickly.

The long standing burning spot on foot has improved. So…….idk. I’m still dealing with phlegm in throat and smell/taste disorder, attributed to post covid syndrome.


@sufiyan2kom There are a few discussions on foods and neuropathy that might be helpful.

--- Small Fiber Neuropathy: Is there a special diet I should be on?: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/small-fiber-neuropathy-10/
--- Eliminating Foods for Neuropathy pain: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/neuropathy-pain-1/

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Drink only water and celery juice. No soda


Hi all
My inner thighs started burning and tingling from in Jun-23 and after 2 months my feet also started burning and tingling and its been 11 months I don’t have the clue. But recently neoro physician has suggested glucose tolerance test which came normal but second hour sample is impaired as per doctor and he told me even though its normal but second sample results are impaired hence my nurve pain is due to pre diabetic.
Please anyone advise who faced the same issue or should I look for any other options. I have alredy done vitamins and biopsy of surel nurve which came negative.



Hi all
My inner thighs started burning and tingling from in Jun-23 and after 2 months my feet also started burning and tingling and its been 11 months I don’t have the clue. But recently neoro physician has suggested glucose tolerance test which came normal but second hour sample is impaired as per doctor and he told me even though its normal but second sample results are impaired hence my nurve pain is due to pre diabetic.
Please anyone advise who faced the same issue or should I look for any other options. I have alredy done vitamins and biopsy of surel nurve which came negative.


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So the tingling is only in thighs and feet? Have you had any autoimmune testing? Do you have any spinal issues? Are you on any meds that could cause this?

I have lots of problems with burning and tingling- 20 years- and no answers as yet. I have never considered pre-diabetes. I have lupus and spinal stenosis and also certain medicines make it worse.

I hope you can get a second opinion.


Hi all
My inner thighs started burning and tingling from in Jun-23 and after 2 months my feet also started burning and tingling and its been 11 months I don’t have the clue. But recently neoro physician has suggested glucose tolerance test which came normal but second hour sample is impaired as per doctor and he told me even though its normal but second sample results are impaired hence my nurve pain is due to pre diabetic.
Please anyone advise who faced the same issue or should I look for any other options. I have alredy done vitamins and biopsy of surel nurve which came negative.


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Hi @sufiyan2kom, You will notice that we merged your post with an existing discussion on the same topic. If you click the link below it will take you to the beginning of the discussion where you can learn what others have shared.

--- Burning in inner thighs and niddle pinch burning in feet: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/burning-in-inner-thighs-and-niddle-pinch-burning-in-feet/

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