Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

Posted by murs @murs, Dec 22, 2023

I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing. Can anyone advise of a way to eliminate the numbness?

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I tried every approved drug on the market, including narcotics. Acupuncture and CalMare as well.
Cannabis, too. Nothing helped.
In December, I had a procedure known as Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) done. Two electrodes were implanted on my spine, and were connected to an implanted battery controlled by a remote control. I have since regained control over my prior horribly painful chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. I now can sleep well at night. The spinal cord stimulates the nerves in my feet to whatever degree I desire. It is absolutely wonderful! I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a permanent desire to control their pain.

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The SCS procedure seems rather invasive. Where is the battery implanted, and are you at all aware of its presence?


Yes, the process involves general anesthesia, and the operation takes about two hours. After recovery, I went home the same day. The implants are each about a foot long and attach roughly in the middle of the spine. The battery is implanted slightly above either hip. The remote control is easy to use. Initially, because the battery is just above the hip, bumping it into anything is not very much fun. However, it is no hindrance to sleep. It takes awhile to get used to the healing process unless you sleep on your side. It took me about a month before I felt no tenderness from either the implant itself or the battery. My procedure was on December 6th, and I have had no pain since the first month. Restrictions for the first three months are no significant bending, twisting, or lifting. The purpose of that is to ensure the implants do not move from their implanted position. I highly recommend it.


alpha-lipoic acid 600 to 1200 mg daily controls my numbness for SFN

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