Small fiber neuropathy and muscle tightness
Hello everyone,
Anyone have a SFN issue whereby they get muscle tightness which does not subside? Specific area of trapezius and neck muscles, but impact entire body including legs which can impact balance and gait at times. Done many test at Mayo with a conclusion of post viral syndrome and neurology department was almost completely useless except to give you a benzo script. I’ve done all MRIs, CT and Pet scans, no suspected issues with MS or ALS type issues. All started over time when I fell at home and broke my wrist which did not require surgery.
Sound familiar to anyone and any advice?
God bless,
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How is small fiber neuropathy "tested"? Does one see primary care physician or a neurologist?
A neurologist. The first test is a nerve conduction study. If this points to SFN, then skin punch biopsies ( on the outer leg) are done to look at the nerves.
Greetings, Robin,
I was recently diagnosed with SFN. My GP recommended that I try the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) diet., which I've followed for the past 60 days.
I've found that sugar and caffeine really affect my nerve pain. Without sugar and caffeine, I have mild numbness and buzzing in toes and fingers. With sugar (and, unfortunately, caffeine) I have crazy burning in feet and strong buzzing in hands, plus pinpricks in arms and legs. It's a pretty dramatic difference, so I've tried it OFF and ON several times in the past two weeks to test. No sugar and no caffeine is (for me) the way to go. You might want to try it and see if eliminating some element of your diet (could be a different food than mine) helps reduce your symptoms. Good luck!
Thanks for replying.
This is cinthia bates am type 1 diabetes and also muscular weakness muscle spasms and also tingling feeling bottom of my feet been going to doctors for so much testing still can’t find anything what’s going on with me going to an skin biopsy this week I been falling like 4 times already
If you are having biopsies done may we assume they are for Small Fiber Neuropathy? The balance problem (I'm told) is a large fiber effect that means you've had SFN awhile and it has effected the large fibers. These are all part of your autonomic nervous system.