Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

Posted by murs @murs, Dec 22, 2023

I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing. Can anyone advise of a way to eliminate the numbness?

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Have been doing "RedLight" for about a year. Twice daily 20 minutes each time.
It does absolutely nothing.
I still have intense numbness up to my knees and much pain at the bottom of my feet.
I soak my feet 3 to 4 days a week in a bath of hot water and Apsom salt for about a half hour.
It seems to relax and calm down my feet a bit.
I am starting this week's Vibration. I did a lot of research on it and it sounds very positive.
PowerFit Elite Vibration Platform with Exercise Bands & Mat at Walmart $40
Good luck and be well and be safe.
I am 85

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Hello Mannyk,
What does RED Light do and which is the best to use? Not one pill helps my Neuropathy.
Have a good day!


Sue, I'm sorry the way I wrote it. No pain at all! Toes are fine, I forget I even have Shoes on. Please let me know if you get the shoes.

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Will do


Will do

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Lots compliments style of shoe.


Hello Mannyk,
What does RED Light do and which is the best to use? Not one pill helps my Neuropathy.
Have a good day!

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You can by those at Walmart.
One Pair Of Infrared Light for Feet Toes Instep Pain LED Red Light Slippers


@michhino...It sounds like you are handling the difficult medical journey with courage and grace. I hope your dog gives you many more years of companionship. While my neuropathy and numbness are limited compared to yours, I have found relief in acupuncture treatments. If you have never been evaluated by a Chinese doctor/acupuncturist, I suggest it is worth a try. Your insurance may cover it.

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I have not tried acupuncture but may give it a shot since I have nothing to lose... But, based on research it may bring a temporary relief however pain to reemerge once again and will be out of funds once again.


You can by those at Walmart.
One Pair Of Infrared Light for Feet Toes Instep Pain LED Red Light Slippers

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I have not tried acupuncture but may give it a shot since I have nothing to lose... But, based on research it may bring a temporary relief however pain to reemerge once again and will be out of funds once again.

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I had intense STABBING in my toes and nothing helped.
So at $60 x 3 times a week OUT OF POCKET for about two months, the stabbing stopped.
The numbness, and hot and cold feet, the numbness, and pain on the bottom of my feet are still there, but again, that subbing stopped.
I hope this helps.


I had intense STABBING in my toes and nothing helped.
So at $60 x 3 times a week OUT OF POCKET for about two months, the stabbing stopped.
The numbness, and hot and cold feet, the numbness, and pain on the bottom of my feet are still there, but again, that subbing stopped.
I hope this helps.

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Thank you, mannyk. I'm so afraid that it will not help tingling, numbness, nerve strikes, especially on both "numb" feet moving forward. And will be out of funds again. If I can find and/or research an inexpensive treatment then I will consider acupuncture so that my feet MAY return to normal...?...


I have not tried acupuncture but may give it a shot since I have nothing to lose... But, based on research it may bring a temporary relief however pain to reemerge once again and will be out of funds once again.

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The reemergence is a possibility, depending on all the contributing factors. Only an experienced acupuncturist can it figure out. Mine is a Chinese trained medical doctor who practices acupuncture in the US. I hope you find a practitioner who is able to help you find relief for an amount of time you think is worth it.


I tried every approved drug on the market, including narcotics. Acupuncture and CalMare as well.
Cannabis, too. Nothing helped.
In December, I had a procedure known as Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) done. Two electrodes were implanted on my spine, and were connected to an implanted battery controlled by a remote control. I have since regained control over my prior horribly painful chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy. I now can sleep well at night. The spinal cord stimulates the nerves in my feet to whatever degree I desire. It is absolutely wonderful! I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a permanent desire to control their pain.

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