Post covid itch and hives

Posted by tania7 @tania7, Apr 4, 2023

I’m 11 months post covid and have been experiencing red, itchy skin for a couple weeks now. When I itch my skin I get hives. Antihistamines seem to work but then it comes back after a few days. Hot water and heat seems to aggravate the situation. Anyone else experience this and find something that works?

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I have peeling skin all over my face and hives and raw skin all around my eyes. I am seventy-five and always looked at least 10 years younger. I had covid at the end of August and thought I was over it. In November I had a laser treatment on broken capillaries on my face. Instead of making my face look better, it seemed to trigger more rosacea. I was all broken out with acne the next day. Now my skin is mottled, keeps peeling and my eyelids and all around my eyes is raw and red, itchy and painful. I look like I am eight-five now. I don't even want to go out anywhere. At this point I just cry. The plastic surgeon who did the procedure and the dermatologist treat me like I am crazy. I am a widow so I have no support. The Rheumatologist believes I have long Covid and is the only one that treats me with respect.

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I'm sorry this happened to you too. After spending money on the treatment, it is very disapointing, to say the least, to look worse and to feel worse.


I too experienced this. It was very painful for months. I found relief after a suggestion from another long hauler to try Sarna, an external analgesic which was not available in Canada by that name but was available on Amazon. Instant relief. Long term results after a different post that there must be nervous system involvement for this and to ask your family doctor for a prescription for an antidepressant that calms the nervous system. A couple of weeks later and i am free of the symptoms.


It’s been 2yrs for me ever since Covid I get rashes non stop it’s horrible steroids help once iam off they just come right back. Where is your rashes if I may ask?


Besides oral meds, my suggestion is Cerra ve Psoriasis Version. It really help keep my skin calm. It’s actually more helpful than prescription meds for some things. Of course, some skin conditions laugh at topicals of any sort.


It’s been almost 2yrs since Covid for me, I get rashes non stop and they are all different. Just seen an allergy doc because I have a new rash all over my arms for the last few months to the point I can’t take it no more and nothing works and if it does it comes right back. He said I have chronic idiopathic urticaria he said take 2 Zyrtec a day and prescribed me more prednisone cream (witch I’ve taken over the past yr with no relief) calmine lotion does give me relief with lots of ice packs as well. Doing my own research because it’s hard to find a doc to truly listen iam going to start doing baking soda baths with sea salt at this point I will do anything I can’t take it. I never had health issues until Covid and I have so much more going on it’s terrible. I pray for everyone that has been effected by Covid so unfair and more unfair it’s destroying peoples lives. Scary world we are living in.


Hi @rachelj1978. I am so sorry you are going through all that. I too have continuous everchanging skin rashes, hives, itch since covid and just saying relate to finding our own ways as so many on this forum do. Of course want to rule out anaphylactic possible cause and then ice packs/washcloths/oat baths lotions… are lifesavers to help sleep at night and cope during day. Hopefully many others will see all our posts here and try these simpler helpful home measures that work instead of continuing short term measures that do not heal or prevent future outbreak and can actually cause more issues later as so many of us are reporting☹️ Fastest healing to you🌈


I started to get that itching on my mid upper back and arms and almost 9 months ago now. I thought it was eczema. I went to one dermatologist and she ened up a freezing a few spots. She said it had to do with my nerves? It was a medically complicated explanation. So I went to another dermatologist for a second opinion (always do that and research it for yourself!).
At the end of the day, it ended up being contact hives, more specifically, see below.
Chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU) is the persistent, often daily appearance of hives (urticaria) that last for six or more weeks for no known reason. These hives are often itchy welts or bumps that appear when a trigger in the body causes mast cells to release histamine, serotonin, or other chemicals under the skin (which they are finding out is related to long Covid).
I had already been on Dupixent, which both dermatologist said that if I hadn't, that the hives would have been worse. The second dermatologist put me on the Xolair, but before the third injection, I ended up itching worse than before and stopped using it. Right now, I just continue my Dupixent injections (2x a month), use my over the counter FexofenadineHydochloride (allergy relief-two times a day), and my Triamcinolone Acetonide cream (as needed). I traded out my body wash for some Aveeno body wash that is fragrance free and try to keep my skin moisturized. If you have animals, keep your bed sheets clean as often as you can too.
This has at least kept my itching managable. I hope this helps someone out there. I'm actually going to see a third Dermatologist this week, I don't give up that easily to try and figure things out. I've been doing a lot of research on my own and hoping to figure something out. Keep you all posted.


My body has been on a break from the skin rashes lately. I’m not sure why. I hope it continues. I am eating a very good diet. Not sure if that matters.


Amazing none of your doctors have informed you about the research done on Citirizine(Zyrtec) and Famotidine (Pepcid) combination to treat the intensive itching caused by the cytokine involvement in long haulers that is related to excessive histamine. Google the combo and you can see for yourself. Doctors are stuck in the same spot and don’t incorporate the latest long haul findings.
Worked wonders for me… But you have to wean yourself off these because quitting them cold turkey will have you back where you started with excessive itching.
No warning labels on the box but it’s a fact and you can Google that also. All I can say is keep up with the research. …because your dr probably doesn’t have time.
I’m a long hauler for over three years….I haven’t stopped saving my own life… Not one dr has offered anything of benefit. Tests always come back normal so that is case closed for them….


Amazing none of your doctors have informed you about the research done on Citirizine(Zyrtec) and Famotidine (Pepcid) combination to treat the intensive itching caused by the cytokine involvement in long haulers that is related to excessive histamine. Google the combo and you can see for yourself. Doctors are stuck in the same spot and don’t incorporate the latest long haul findings.
Worked wonders for me… But you have to wean yourself off these because quitting them cold turkey will have you back where you started with excessive itching.
No warning labels on the box but it’s a fact and you can Google that also. All I can say is keep up with the research. …because your dr probably doesn’t have time.
I’m a long hauler for over three years….I haven’t stopped saving my own life… Not one dr has offered anything of benefit. Tests always come back normal so that is case closed for them….

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So my nursing instructor actually suggested the Zyrtec and Pepcid combo to me after I was experiencing an itching attack that lasted days. I could not sleep, I could not do anything but scratch and my skin was literally torn up. I had covid in 2021. After recovering I started itching on my feet and legs. Ever since it comes and goes, some days are better than others but even after taking the Zyrtec and Pepcid combo everyday I still itch. It’s mostly at night but some days it’s all throughout the day. I can not imagine living this way for the rest of my life. I’ve seen multiple doctors and dermatologists, no body knows what to tell me. I honestly feel like they just think I’m crazy. I’ve had a doctor prescribe me Vistaril but all it did was knock me out. Sometimes I’ll take a Benadryl at night just to sleep without laying awake itching for hours. If I don’t scratch it it turns to like a burning pain like someone is shocking my skin where it itches. I’m glad I found this thread and at least I don’t feel alone or crazy.

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