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Burning in inner thighs and needle pinch burning in feet

Neuropathy | Last Active: May 25 12:50pm | Replies (40)

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Hi Everyone, I request advise from group members
I have burning, niddle pinching sensation in my feet from last 6 months and same symptoms in my left hand from 02 months. In SEP-23 I did the ANA profile, nurve conduction studay, Surel nurve biopsy, vitamins, diabatis and thyroid test all are negative with no diagnosis. I have mild nurve pinch in L4/S1 for which docter said it is due to sitting job. Presently I am taking gabapin and vitamin B12 medicine.
Last week again I did nurve conduction studay which was normal.
Please advise reasons possibly why I am feeling burning niddle pinching sensation in my feet.
Also advise if there is any other test I have to do.

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Replies to "Hi Everyone, I request advise from group members I have burning, niddle pinching sensation in my..."

Hey Sufiyan2kom,
I can relate to what you describe. I have experienced something quite similar. I don’t have answers either. I’m hoping things will resolve in time or I’ll run across a good explanation. Maybe, someone else will post, who’s had this before. I’ll just condense what I had discovered. The good news is that my symptoms are a little better. I’m grateful for that.

I had tingling and some numbness in both feet with an intermittent burning spot on bottom right side of right foot about the size of a quarter. Podiatrists disagree on whether it’s neuropathy. And, nighttime tingling in hands awakening during sleep. Tests negative for neuropathy according to neurologist. Months earlier VB12 deficiency, which I resolved in a few weeks. Also, diagnosed with post covid syndrome. Spine condition unknown. The hands hardly ever tingle now and the burning spot burn is reduced by 80%. I still have numbness, but is reduced. I haven’t started on meds, but do attend talk therapy weekly.

How long has your Vitamin B12 been normal? Have you had covid? Have you had anxiety prior to the symptoms?

I’ve done a lot research and am prepared for the possibility that I do have neuropathy and my doctor was wrong. And, I’ve read about this syndrome that involves burning skin sensation. There is also burning mouth syndrome. I had burning throat for a short time. The cause of these is unknown to my knowledge. I’ve read anxiety may play a role. I consider any explanation at this point.

Does the Gabapentin help your symptoms?

Yes, Gabapin reduced the symptoms and vitamin tests were always normal but still taking B12 and from 2 days started alpha lupic acid 600 mg a day. I did not get covid however I have anxiety from many years now. I am consulting with psychiatrist these days as there is no explicit reason for my nurve problum. I am very much worried about neoropathy and unknown cause is making me anxious. Do you take any medicine to control symptoms and after how many months you started feeling better. Any specific tests or therapy and medicine helps please suggest.

Please also advise why did you attend talk therapy and how it is helping you.

Thanks for your reply
I know it is very difficult to deal with health issue and side affects of medicine. Even I am strugling with burning and pain as you menionted gabapin has reduced the burning but tingling is still there. I kept consulting various neorologist to know what exactly caused my pain but docters are not able to diagnose the root cause. I think if solve the root cause the burning and tingling can be controled and at this point I just left every thing on Allah.
Just want to add that apart from nurve pain I have itching and hives on the skin which goes away after 10 to 15 minutes but not sure if these two problums are related.

No, I dont get twiches.
I am just wondering how I will manage with this problem. Please advise if you have any suggestions. Should I repeat ANA profile as previous one was completely normal. Also if my nurves are not damaging than why the pain is there.

Hello @sufiyan2kom. I combined your discussion with your previous discussion titled "Burning in inner thighs and niddle pinch burning in feet" - https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/burning-in-inner-thighs-and-niddle-pinch-burning-in-feet/ so members you connected with in that discussion could see your most recent update as well.

neuropathy is a possibility and more than likely is. I have it and its definitely annoying and painful. but the gabapentin seems to help.. If you have a chiropractor, pediatrist or any clinic that offers laser therapy I have found that it works wonders. They wont perform the treatment if you are in the process of of chemotherapy or any treatments. But once your through then please give it a try.