← Return to Mass found Suspected Stage 4 Esophageal Cancer squamous cell

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I had an upper GI scope last Thursday. The general surgeon came in told me that I had a malignancy in my esophagus. He then took a biopsy and told me he would get the results the next week (this week), but didn't schedule an appointment with him until January 30th. In many of the posts I've seen, the patient was immediately referred to an oncologist. I have not yet. Should I take the initiative and contact someone to get into an oncologist? I'm a little freaked out and it was a tough weekend and I feel like I should do something.

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Replies to "I had an upper GI scope last Thursday. The general surgeon came in told me that..."

I had a similar situation with my gastro doc doing endoscopy and finding mass in my lower esophagus. He took a biopsy and it confirmed it was cancer. I live in the Tampabay Florida area so he transferred me to Moffit Cancer Center in Tampa. I met with surgeon who decided I was not a good candidate for surgery at age 78 so then I met with chemo and radiation docs and started 28 radidation and chemo treatments. The tumor shrunk 30% after first 3 treatments and after 28 the tumor was gone. I had some side affects including caughing, being tired, and losing appetite. I was on feeding tube for a couple of months to help give me protein and calories. But the treatment worked. I'd be happy to try and answer any questions you may have.

My Husband had his routine Endoscopy/Colonoscopy also last week he was immediately referred the next day to an oncologist a day later he had a CT Scan tomorrow a Pet Scan and next week an endoscopy with CT to stage. Our center has a Patient Coordinator that scheduled all of them perhaps you can inquire with your center to speak with one.

Where our healthcare is concerned, we need to be our own advocate, plus anyone else who can help you. My sister had a esophageal cancer diagnosis which turned out to be stage IVb, for one reason or another it was over a month before her chemo started (to which she is reacting well) and during this time, the spots (mets) on her liver multiplied. She got into City of Hope and seems to be doing better…she can now eat and swallow, has appetite 2 months into her treatment.

I sure hope things go well for you…..there are many, many encouraging tales of survival on this forum. Don’t get discouraged, just don’t delay in getting treatment. The things I’ve seen here are inspiring. I can’t help but think and pray we’re on the brink of finding a cure.

All my best to you,