Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

Posted by murs @murs, Dec 22, 2023

I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing. Can anyone advise of a way to eliminate the numbness?

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I love my Hokas, as ugly as they are. I bought the thicker soles and it has helped me tremendously. I don’t have numbness, but I have random constant burning pain for the last 4 yrs. My wonderful chemo side effect

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Hi @renew ,

My neuropathy is also a side effect of chemotherapy. I have several. I had the chemotherapy survived the cancer, and have to deal with the side effects, but I am here on the right side of the grass! I will work with what I have!



I found my wedge pillow.

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Hi @holdrege ge
If I told you my story about falling off my wedge pillow, propping me up, you might never look at your wedge pillow againn without laughing. My children wonder what is in the closet that is so funny.


I have never heard of those shoes can you advise where you got them from

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Hi Sue,
I bought the shoes on line, Teva, 1984, Shoes. Shoe I bought, ReEmber slip-on $80.00. My feet toes hurt, it's stylish worth the price. They have great boots but can't wear them.
Please let me know if you found them.


Go to

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Skechers I can't wear.


Hi Sue,
I bought the shoes on line, Teva, 1984, Shoes. Shoe I bought, ReEmber slip-on $80.00. My feet toes hurt, it's stylish worth the price. They have great boots but can't wear them.
Please let me know if you found them.

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So are you saying your feet and toes hurt wearing them? Thanks for the info.


The best I can tell you is that everyone is different, and you need to find out which shoes, which medicines, which creams, etc. , work for you. I wish you good luck and let us hear only good news from you.


I have had 2 liver transplants because of Hep C. Now it's cured. But the immune surpressant I use, generic Tacrolimus, which seems to have caused my Neuropothy. It started right after my 2nd transplant in 2017, my first was in 2000. My understanding is when a nerve can start dieing you feel numbness and pain. I have read that some treatments can help some with pain or numbness but not all. These treatment include red lights, electrical stimulation, and audio stimulation. I tried the electric/audio treatments. There were 24 over around 20 weeks. Half hour each. It seemed to help for a while but now I think I have just gotten use to the pain. Never thought I would. I also take Pregabalin (genetic for Lyirica).


Have been doing "RedLight" for about a year. Twice daily 20 minutes each time.
It does absolutely nothing.
I still have intense numbness up to my knees and much pain at the bottom of my feet.
I soak my feet 3 to 4 days a week in a bath of hot water and Apsom salt for about a half hour.
It seems to relax and calm down my feet a bit.
I am starting this week's Vibration. I did a lot of research on it and it sounds very positive.
PowerFit Elite Vibration Platform with Exercise Bands & Mat at Walmart $40
Good luck and be well and be safe.
I am 85


I started wearing compression socks when I get up to when I go to bed , it's much better.
Good luck to you, hope you get relief soon

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Can you name the brand and where you buy them?
Email me, please


So are you saying your feet and toes hurt wearing them? Thanks for the info.

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Sue, I'm sorry the way I wrote it. No pain at all! Toes are fine, I forget I even have Shoes on. Please let me know if you get the shoes.

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