Sleeping with Ostomy

Posted by tdt @tdt, Mar 14, 2023

I have had an Ostomy for 26 years.Recently I have had to get up 2-3 times at night to empty my pouch. Any suggestions on when to eat dinner, what to eat or not,intake of fluids etc? Thanks

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Hello. I find I'd I don't eat after 7pm, I get a better night's sleep. Also, take loperamide half an hour before each meal, and definitely before bedtime! All the best.


Hello. I find I'd I don't eat after 7pm, I get a better night's sleep. Also, take loperamide half an hour before each meal, and definitely before bedtime! All the best.

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Thank you for your advice,


I have to get up every 4 hours .


I try to eat a light supper and definitely do not drink any soda.


Try some marshmallows too. That is what I learned in my Ostomy meeting before you go to bed..


Try some marshmallows too. That is what I learned in my Ostomy meeting before you go to bed..

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Maybe a night bag. I never have to get up and sleep well.


Maybe a night bag. I never have to get up and sleep well.

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What is a night bag? I have to empty at least every 4 hours
I set my alarm clock.


What is a night bag? I have to empty at least every 4 hours
I set my alarm clock.

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It is a bedside bag they use it in the hospital but this is for urine I'm not sure if that is what you have. I had my bladder removed a year ago.


You can them through Amazon or my your insurance.

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