Stage 4 Metatasized to Bones- Anyone at 10 years?

Posted by cal77 @cal77, Dec 30, 2023

For an otherwise healthy male, are there those of you that are still around for 10 years? I'm recently diagnosed and at 7 Urologist said I have maybe 4 years, but then I see others out there are still around at 10 years...Is everyone different?

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Glenn , from UK I know a guy who had prostate cancer stage four and went into his bones and that was back in 2013, and the guy is still alive now a bit less mobility



Radiated prostate 2016 Metastasized to bones 2020 Radiated 1 inch out of L1 lumbar Put on Zolodex again but later added Xgeva In Jan 2023 put on Xtandi as T 7 8 9 small spots and L1 1 inch.
2024 Jan 31st I start Radium 233 injections once a month for 6 months
Feel great 3 vacations a year PSA 1.7 but now 7.8
So that's 8 years from start and 4 years since Stage 4 Promise is goo as lots of option chemo being one and clinical trials
Prayers to St Rita saint of the impossible and "Precious blood of JESUS please heal me"

Calcium daily 600, Apple cyder Vinegar gummies for white blood cells and my Zolodex and Xgeva shots as schedules


I just passed the 1 year mark since my Stage 4 diagnosis. I'm in a support group that has multiple stage 4 guys at 10+ years, so that gives me lots of hope. If you're on Facebook, look for a group called "Prostate Cancer Warriors" and join us!


Absolutely yes, everyone is different. My husband has been Stage 4 with spinal metastases for over 12 years. Various treatments have kept him alive and in pretty good shape all that time. So don't take seriously any specific predictions of how many years you have left, even from a physician.


Absolutely yes, everyone is different. My husband has been Stage 4 with spinal metastases for over 12 years. Various treatments have kept him alive and in pretty good shape all that time. So don't take seriously any specific predictions of how many years you have left, even from a physician.

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Hello my Russ just got new results ! Metastasis spread again very bad pain ! Lower skull all through the spine and schoulders ! They want to do chemo again ! His Psa is 87 😞 hormone drugs not working ! Any information thanks 🙂sandi


I am sorry to read of this progression. Best of luck to you and Russ and your family. I would think that chemo.again would be appropriate and should that not be satisfactory the Pluvicto.


Glenn , from UK I know a guy who had prostate cancer stage four and went into his bones and that was back in 2013, and the guy is still alive now a bit less mobility

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What did he do for treatment?


Try Radium 233 Xofigo

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Is it in Mn ?


Absolutely yes, everyone is different. My husband has been Stage 4 with spinal metastases for over 12 years. Various treatments have kept him alive and in pretty good shape all that time. So don't take seriously any specific predictions of how many years you have left, even from a physician.

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How is his pain now?

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