← Return to Monoclonal Antibodies: A New Treatment for Long COVID

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I suspect my LC is over, rather than in remission. Time will tell. My symptoms gradually decreased over time and in October I caught a cold from my husband. My symptoms were gone after that so I don't know if my immune system was distracted and lost interest in attacking me, or what. Perhaps it takes some months to shed the nasty virus bits from our bodies. I have a few autoimmune diseases, but they are controlled by diet, exercise, and such. I hope your LC leaves as well.

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Replies to "I suspect my LC is over, rather than in remission. Time will tell. My symptoms gradually..."

@janeaddams Your comment is interesting about catching a cold and feeling a bit better. I am a LC sufferer since November '21, long story but went to Mayo last year and implemented their program beginning September '23. I have been feeling better, not 100%, but better. Went to the National Championship in Houston and along with my son caught COVID. My symptoms were a bad cold just like my only other case of COVID, but I do feel like the COVID caused a step change to the better in my LC. I have read/heard that Paxlovid kills LC, COVID kills LC, Monoclonal kills LC and I may be personally experiencing that. Watched a Mayo video yesterday where it was stated "we like to have 15,000 people in our studies" and that is likely why there is no scientifically validated test for a LC cure.