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Ativan helps me as well. It was a court issue of a legal matter. Now I have leukemia and sometimes I still get my head around it. I’m facing a stem cell transplant in two months and my stomach churns thinking about. But I know God is with me every step and I think about the other side of it and being with my new newest grandsons.

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Replies to "Ativan helps me as well. It was a court issue of a legal matter. Now I..."

I know exactly how you feel! I had a stem cell transplant for AML seven and a half years ago. Between induction and consolidation chemo and all the other complications, it’s a challenging journey. Hang in there! It was a rough trip for me, but I am well, working full-time, walking 10,000 steps a day and enjoying my four grandkids!

God has also been on this journey with me. I’m glad your faith is keeping you strong! You are welcome to message me if you want to chat more about the transplant experience or any other questions you may have.

I am facing a stem cell transplant in a couple of months as well. I am very nervous and I know it won't be easy, but I have God on my side. I try to surrender my sickness to God and know that He will take care of everything. Some days are easier than others.

Hi @joannwkempel I’d like to add my welcome to Connect along with @alive. She and I, along with several others in the blood cancer support group have had stem cell transplants and are here to help you in any way we can.

I’d like to post a few links for you to get started. Actually, I’m going to cut and paste the exact discussion I recently posted with another new member about to have a SCT.

This is what I wrote to @marylou329:
I had an allogenic transplant as did @alive @edb1123 @kt2013 @jenmkr63 @timt347 and several other members. We’re all happy to share our experiences and answer any questions you might have.

Here are a few of our conversations:
My bone marrow transplant story; Will you share yours?
Snapshots of life on the other side of transplant:

All of us are in various stages post transplant. I’m coming up on 5 years so I’m about in the middle timeline of our group. Having a stem cell transplant offers us a second chance with life. It isn’t a guarantee because there can be risks and sometimes a relapse, as in Tim’s case. But it is worth the effort.
Where are you having your transplant? Will you have to relocate and stay in the clinic? Do you require a full time caregiver?

Joann, if you have leukemia, then I’m expecting you’ll be having an allogenic transplant, using donor cells? Would you like to share a little more about what type of cancer you have and how it’s being treated? Has there been a donor match for you?