← Return to Monoclonal Antibodies: A New Treatment for Long COVID

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Thanks for this link... I also find it encouraging. As far as "doctors being on board," I can't imagine what it will take for that to happen. After 10 months of LC, and repeatedly reporting classic symptoms to my GP and being tested for a bunch of stuff by her and a heart guy, with lots of "normal" results, they both have (begrudgingly) made the diagnosis of LC. But other than urging yet another test, this time a CT scan looking for microclots, nothing. Crickets. So here we are and while it's good that research is finally showing some hope for a diagnosis and possibly effective treatment (not just more "supplements" and "pacing"), I fear the medical profession is not up to this challenge. I am a previously very healthy patient at a leading teaching hospital near Chicago and have been on a long waiting list for the LC Clinic at NWMH, but reviews are mixed for those who've tried this route, so optimism is limited. I've noticed over the past few months using this very helpful forum that people like us seem to be giving up some hope that "this too will pass." Don't mean to sound like Debbie Downer, but that's where I am.

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Replies to "Thanks for this link... I also find it encouraging. As far as "doctors being on board,"..."

You can count me in the “Debbie Downer” group too. I’m into this thing now for two years. I have honestly been to hundreds of appointments.
I am now with an Integrative medical group that acknowledges my condition, but after three months and many appointments I continue to get worse.
Unfortunately I feel if my body doesn’t figure this out.....nobody else will.