How can you use art to think, heal and grow?

6 days ago | Dr. Denise Millstine and Lisa Speckhard-Pasque | @readtalkgrow

Don’t consider yourself a poetry person? You might be surprised! Listen to our latest episode, “Embracing poetry and releasing perfection.” Listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Episode summary:

Comedy writer and poet Lyndsay Rush joins us to talk about her book “A BIT MUCH” and the power of poetry to think, process and heal. Dr. Shelly Noland, medical director for the Center for Humanities in Medicine at Mayo Clinic, helps us better understand how poetry and other art can improve our wellness.

In this episode, Dr. Millstine and her guests discuss:

  • Poetry is easy! You may not think you’re cut out for poetry, but it can be so simple. Try black-out poetry. Write in phrases. Don’t finish your thought. Don’t come up with all the answers. Poetry is full of ambiguity (and incidentally, so is life).
  • A bit much. Women are often told to tone it down, and pressured not to express themselves to the full extent. Lyndsay argues that it’s not just OK to be a bit much – in fact, it should be a compliment!
  • Body image. Body image is, unfortunately, a near-universal struggle for women. Lyndsay explores these themes in her work and rebels against the expectation of constant self-scrutiny and self-improvement.

Questions for discussion:

Have you ever tried writing poetry or another art form to help you heal or grow? Tell us about it!

Share your thoughts, questions and opinions below!

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