Uterine cancer rates are increasing: What can you do to protect yourself?

Oct 11, 2024 | Kanaaz Pereira, Connect Moderator | @kanaazpereira

Researchers recently reported that while death rates for the most common type of uterine cancer — endometrioid cancer — remained stable, deaths from rare and aggressive types of uterine cancer increased significantly each year from 2010 to 2017. The study also revealed a disproportionate increase in uterine cancer deaths among the Hispanic, Black and Asian communities.

Kristina Butler, M.D., a Mayo Clinic gynecologic oncologist, explains what you need to know to stay vigilant and reduce your risk:

Understand uterine cancer types and how they develop.

Like other cancers, uterine cancer can develop when mutations happen in the DNA cells of your uterus and endometrium, also called the endometrial lining. Sometimes, these mutations can turn normal, healthy cells into abnormal cells that grow and multiply uncontrollably and invade nearby tissues.

When this happens, two main types of cancer can develop:

  • Endometrial cancer
    Endometrial cancer starts in the endometrium. This is the most common type of uterine cancer, and it can often be cured when detected early. Endometrioid cancer is a type of endometrial cancer that starts in gland cells.
  • Uterine sarcoma
    Uterine sarcoma starts in the muscles and supporting tissues of the uterus. It is much less common but usually more aggressive.

Changes in the balance of hormones also can be a risk factor for uterine cancer. Estrogen and progesterone regulate changes in the endometrium that are part of the monthly menstrual cycle. When estrogen increases but progesterone does not, the risk of endometrial cancer can increase. This can occur with obesity because fat cells increase estrogen without progesterone, which functions to keep the uterus cancer-free.

Certain medications and conditions like polycystic ovarian syndrome and obesity, or changes such as menopause, also can affect your estrogen levels.

Watch for abnormal vaginal bleeding and other symptoms.

Dr. Butler says abnormal vaginal bleeding can be a sign of uterine cancer. If you've gone through menopause and no longer have a monthly menstrual cycle, any amount of blood is considered abnormal. "If you have any bleeding after menopause, it's so important to get checked out quickly," she adds.

For younger people who haven't gone through menopause, abnormal bleeding can include bleeding between your menstrual cycles or after sex, and prolonged or heavy bleeding.

Improve your lifestyle choices.

You can reduce some of the known risks of uterine cancer by improving your diet, exercising and maintaining a healthy weight.

"We are seeing a rise in diagnoses of uterine cancer, and we think this is because there's also a rise in other conditions and diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity," says Dr. Butler.

Obesity increases your risk of uterine cancer because extra weight can affect your menstrual cycle.

Discuss your risk factors with a health care professional you trust.

Awareness of your risk factors for uterine cancer can help you and your health care professional stay ahead of this type of cancer. Although factors like age, family history and certain health conditions might not be in your control, they can help your health care professional decide if testing for uterine cancer is right for you.

If they apply to you, consider discussing these risk factors with your health care professional:

  • You have inherited conditions linked to higher cancer risk.
  • You have an excessive amount of body fat.
  • You started menstruation before the age of 12.
  • You went through menopause later in life.
  • You have never been pregnant.
  • You've had radiation therapy to the pelvis for cancer.
  • You've had estrogen-only hormone replacement therapy after menopause.
  • You've taken the drug tamoxifen for breast cancer.

If you are diagnosed with uterine cancer, Dr. Butler says you should try to seek care from National Cancer Institute-Designated Cancer Centers. "We know that people have improved outcomes when they go to these centers, because they follow guidelines and provide the best evidence-based care for women," she says.

Learn more about endometrial cancer and uterine sarcoma and find a clinical trial at Mayo Clinic.

This article was first published on the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center blog.


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