Stretching The Esophagus During EGD

May 15, 2019 | Crystal Lavey | @crystallavey | Comments (4)


A common risk in EoE is narrowing and scarring of the esophagus. This causes food to go down slowly and stick. Even with medication treatment, the esophagus will remain narrow and you may not feel the medication benefits. Dilation, or stretching, is done while you are having an upper endoscopy. While it is disrupting the mucosa, doctors carefully examine how receptive your esophagus is to dilation and only stretch a little bit each time. Watch the video below as Dr. Jeff Alexander at Mayo Clinic Rochester talks about dilation and the risk and benefit for eosinophilic esophagitis.


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Dose this have any effect on Laryngeal Sensor Neuropathy Chronic Cough syndrome (LSNCC) ?


Will Dupixent help with this? If not, what medications are taken?


At this point I'm taking amitriptyline 10mg, oxybutynin 10mg, omeprazole 40mg, gabapentin 600mg, amlodipine 5mg, & losartan 100mg/hct12.5. Went off losartan for two weeks, didn't change anything. Don,t have any asthma issues.


Why my esophagus feel so tight at LES level?

I had cryo ablation done about 4 yrs ago. But do I still have the impact?

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