Original story published via Sharing Mayo Clinic
When pilot Jerry Grant was involved in a serious helicopter crash in 2002, his lower vertebrae shattered, leaving him unable to use his legs. Although he eventually was able to walk again, he was left with terrible pain in both legs, especially on the bottom of his feet. Even walking on carpet was painful.
"It felt like I was walking on very hot asphalt," Jerry says. "I had an electrical, biting pain that went up the right shin to the knee."
Jerry lived with that daily discomfort for 15 years. But then he decided to explore treatment options for his excruciating pain at Mayo Clinic. There, Jerry's care team recommended a device that had the potential to minimize his pain. And it worked.
Within a few weeks of having a new type of spinal cord stimulator implanted, Jerry was able to get back to living life the way he wants, with minimal pain.
"I"m a helicopter pilot, an avid fisherman, and I do archery. I also own a management company and rent out hangars," Jerry says. "But it's the simple things like being able to paint my house this year that are big accomplishment for me." The device has helped me live a lot fuller life."
Continue reading this story at Sharing Mayo Clinic
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- Learn more about spinal cord stimulation via the Neuromodulation tab
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Great to hear that you have found a way to reduce and live with your pain. I am living with it, not as gracefully as you but I am hopeful, and stories like yours are inspiring. Thnx.
I wish I had the same results. My spinal cord stimulator resulted in more pain than I had before. Wish I could find something that would help besides pain meds.