Feeling lost and stuck in my living situation - end of my rope

Posted by jobycat @jobycat, May 25, 2023

At 57 i am living with a psycotic person I survive on ssdi, and cant afford to find a place of my own. Everyday I wonder if living in my car would be better

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Thank you so much for your reply. I have tried and tried I still can not come up with a way out for me. I am going to be 58 in a month and I live in an untenable situation. I can not leave the house with out a 'good' reason. the store to get food etc. Not allowed to talk to anyone. Have not heard from my brothers in a few years, or have friends. I know what you are thinking why dont you leave? Well where to go? The shelter? or the street. I have a lot of health issues that do not travel well. I live with a barley functional person that is delusional. I have to walk on egg shells every day. I have resinged myself to the role I play. There is no other way. She lets me sleep on the couch and I pay the bills out of my ssdi. It takes all I have to just be here. So ...

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I just googled "crisis hotlines", and got the following info about the crisis #988: "What is 988? The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (formerly known as the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) offers 24/7 call, text and chat access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing suicidal, substance use, and/or mental health crisis, or any other kind of emotional distress." I thought maybe this would be helpful because you are feeling trapped and need some good solid help with a solutiion to your problem. You could also google "crisis hotlines" for your State to get help with local assistance for someone in your type of situation. Please don't take this as a "cold" reply. I just really hear you, that many of the suggestions we have made don't work for your particular circumstances. Bottom line, you must get out of your living circumstances and relationship. Many of the crisis hotlines do not require you are suicidal. You can just talk [or, many of them are chat lines] and, as I understand it, they have many resources available to direct people to specific help for specific circimstances, which is why I have suggested this. You say you can't just go anywhere, but I am hoping you can place calls, or do chats? My heart goes out to you.❤️


I will be 58 in December, and survive on ssdi. I have been so sick. My partner is so mean. She is a rageaholic. She wont work and just complains about me all day. I pay all the bills with my little money, but have no key to the door and I am not on the lease. If I complain she will kick me out. I cant live on the street. Hopeless

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I am still alive. on my birthday, I sorry it came. It comes with NO joy only suffering. I have nowhere to go. If I walk out the door I may not make it. Part of me does not care. This 'life' seems like only suffering over and over everyday . Scared of the pain of nowhere to sleep. I dont have the strength to even walk up the stairs most days. I just want it all to STOP. No more nice people in my life. Only one remains and they are mean


I will be 58 in December, and survive on ssdi. I have been so sick. My partner is so mean. She is a rageaholic. She wont work and just complains about me all day. I pay all the bills with my little money, but have no key to the door and I am not on the lease. If I complain she will kick me out. I cant live on the street. Hopeless

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I feel for you. But I don’t understand why can’t you move out if you’re already paying the bills? I do feel horrible for you!


I will be 58 in December, and survive on ssdi. I have been so sick. My partner is so mean. She is a rageaholic. She wont work and just complains about me all day. I pay all the bills with my little money, but have no key to the door and I am not on the lease. If I complain she will kick me out. I cant live on the street. Hopeless

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I am 58 and for years after surviving a hep-c diagnosis and treatment for 48 weeks my body is a wreck. I had no idea how the drugs would effect my body. I worked skilled trades for decades and now i dont think I can swing a hammer for 5 minutes. After my family member passed i was trying to survive on ssdi. I moved in with my 'girlfriend'. that has become untenable. She has her own mental health issues at work and no place for me. I get winded just going up and down the stairs, I dont know if my heart and the rest of me can handle being homeless, so I try to sleep a lot and hide in my dreams hoping one day it will all be over


I am 58 and for years after surviving a hep-c diagnosis and treatment for 48 weeks my body is a wreck. I had no idea how the drugs would effect my body. I worked skilled trades for decades and now i dont think I can swing a hammer for 5 minutes. After my family member passed i was trying to survive on ssdi. I moved in with my 'girlfriend'. that has become untenable. She has her own mental health issues at work and no place for me. I get winded just going up and down the stairs, I dont know if my heart and the rest of me can handle being homeless, so I try to sleep a lot and hide in my dreams hoping one day it will all be over

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I'm very concerned about you. I understand your situation and would like to help. Do you feel safe telling which state you live in? I could do some research for you to find out who you could call. It sounds like you need protection and you have no energy to do much. I know how that feels, I've felt much like you do so I am not judging you. It's overwhelming. I have had fears of being homeless too, but try to put that fear out of your mind for just a moment. Focus for a minute on what you need to get out of this situation. Someone asked if you have enough money to live on somewhere else. Can you manage that? If not, then maybe this community can think of a way to have your abusive person removed so they can't hurt you. Right now you can't even focus on yourself and getting better because of this other person.
I really hear how hopeless you feel. I've been there. Please don't give up yet! Let's explore other options


I'm very concerned about you. I understand your situation and would like to help. Do you feel safe telling which state you live in? I could do some research for you to find out who you could call. It sounds like you need protection and you have no energy to do much. I know how that feels, I've felt much like you do so I am not judging you. It's overwhelming. I have had fears of being homeless too, but try to put that fear out of your mind for just a moment. Focus for a minute on what you need to get out of this situation. Someone asked if you have enough money to live on somewhere else. Can you manage that? If not, then maybe this community can think of a way to have your abusive person removed so they can't hurt you. Right now you can't even focus on yourself and getting better because of this other person.
I really hear how hopeless you feel. I've been there. Please don't give up yet! Let's explore other options

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Thank you for the warm wishes. I have talked to the local shelter, but I dont know how I would do having to sleep in a shelter. I only have One mean person here, there may be too many people to deal with in that situation. I am trying...I sleep a lot. I want to go downtown (Jacksonville, FL) Again I am scared of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. I have no friends any more. All cut off. My family is scattered and have their own issues. If I believed in Divine intervention it would be something to hope for. But here I am.


Thank you for the warm wishes. I have talked to the local shelter, but I dont know how I would do having to sleep in a shelter. I only have One mean person here, there may be too many people to deal with in that situation. I am trying...I sleep a lot. I want to go downtown (Jacksonville, FL) Again I am scared of jumping from the frying pan into the fire. I have no friends any more. All cut off. My family is scattered and have their own issues. If I believed in Divine intervention it would be something to hope for. But here I am.

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No, I don't suggest a shelter...I am the same, I wouldn't do well at one. I'm not in Florida so I don't know the laws there, but I was thinking about your local laws. If they are the same as here, you can report abuse at home confidentially and ask for help. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to say this, but my other thought is to get a restraining order. This might be extreme, but if you can prove abuse I believe you can get it....this would mean the person would be removed from the home. Especially if you are paying the bills and can prove it. Listen, I'm no attorney, just a person who has felt helpless and had to think of ways to protect myself.
I've not had to do it but it was suggested to me long ago by an attorney.....let me know if this helps, if not I'll come up with something else I hope will help.


I will be 58 in December, and survive on ssdi. I have been so sick. My partner is so mean. She is a rageaholic. She wont work and just complains about me all day. I pay all the bills with my little money, but have no key to the door and I am not on the lease. If I complain she will kick me out. I cant live on the street. Hopeless

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When you reach the END of your… peripheral rope,
Life is all about CHOICES
We all make mistakes
That’s exactly what we’re supposed to do!
That’s how we learn that’s how we grow.
We put ourselves in situations, and then we think it’s somebody else’s fault that we are in that situation.
Because we certainly don’t want to be responsible for our own mistakes and bad choices.
But that’s how we learn and that’s how we grow.
Be brave, cowgirl up
The streets really aren’t that bad.
I should know
And I am 67 years old


When you reach the END of your… peripheral rope,
Life is all about CHOICES
We all make mistakes
That’s exactly what we’re supposed to do!
That’s how we learn that’s how we grow.
We put ourselves in situations, and then we think it’s somebody else’s fault that we are in that situation.
Because we certainly don’t want to be responsible for our own mistakes and bad choices.
But that’s how we learn and that’s how we grow.
Be brave, cowgirl up
The streets really aren’t that bad.
I should know
And I am 67 years old

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The Lure of the Great Unknown that I breathe in is usually enough to give me a kick ... enough to venture out into the world as I push aside veils that obstruct the delight my senses greet me with.

It was good when I was eight; it's still good at eighty.


I am 58 and for years after surviving a hep-c diagnosis and treatment for 48 weeks my body is a wreck. I had no idea how the drugs would effect my body. I worked skilled trades for decades and now i dont think I can swing a hammer for 5 minutes. After my family member passed i was trying to survive on ssdi. I moved in with my 'girlfriend'. that has become untenable. She has her own mental health issues at work and no place for me. I get winded just going up and down the stairs, I dont know if my heart and the rest of me can handle being homeless, so I try to sleep a lot and hide in my dreams hoping one day it will all be over

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Is your girlfriend dangerous to you? Are you able to pay your half of the living expenses? I am lucky in that I have an irrevocable trust fund, but I can’t let it run out or that’s the end of me. LOL. I think I’m unemployable due to the unusual side effects of having Asperger’s. I think that my wife and I are both getting more irritable by the day. LOL. So my solution is to stay in my room with the door shut, because my wife and I seem to curse less at each other when we can’t see each other.

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