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Thanks. Very helpful for me getting first TKR in a few days. Did you have help at home and how long do you think you need help? Thank you.

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Replies to "Thanks. Very helpful for me getting first TKR in a few days. Did you have help..."

Mine was the right knee. My husband took off two weeks to be home and help me which I definitely needed. I did get really constipated from the pain meds which didn't really do much good anyway (I have constipation issues anyway) so at 9 days I had a CT scan and had to to a bowel prep because nothing else would make me go. Be careful with those if they give you issues. I actually started driving at 3 weeks as my husband was out of town my fourth week and didn't want to not go to PT. I have a Subaru and it has EyeSight so it drives itself if I use cruise and I drove at non-busy times to PT. It was 45 minutes one way so it was a struggle but I did it. I think pushing myself helped but didn't feel that way while I was doing it lol. Getting in and out of the car will be difficult and my husband lifted my leg straight up and over being careful not to bend it much at the beginning and I had my seat all the way back. Thankful I had a big car. Feel free to ask any questions that I can help with.