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I'm not sure whether you're referring to the loss of sex drive or your general state of mind when you ask whether you're being selfish, but the answer is the same regardless: no. As far as meds go, especially, you might want to at least give a few different meds a shot - not all of them decrease your sex drive, it doesn't happen to everyone who takes drugs in these categories, and depending on the severity of your depression, which sounds like it's overwhelming today, it might be worth a slight dip in your libido. But the point is, it's your choice. Life is just a balancing act, a kind of constant series of prioritization - it's all the cost vs. benefit analysis that every decision must go through, and it's all about finding a balance. I wouldn't rule out meds, but stick to your guns and don't let docs pressure you. Go slow, have hope, and in the meantime just do what you're doing: seeking help from the people you pay to help you, and also doing some thinking about how your life as a whole might be affected by whatever meds whose side effects you might be afraid of. Hope you feel better by now, since your post is a few hours old.

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Replies to "I'm not sure whether you're referring to the loss of sex drive or your general state..."

Thank you, thank you! I truly appreciate your thoughts and insights. It means the world to me. I get so teary when kindness is given to me.

Just always remember that you are special as we all are in our different ways. Take care sweetie always here anytime