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Low sex drive

Women's Health | Last Active: Jun 27, 2013 | Replies (2)

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1) go to dr., bring your husband. This may help him to realize its not his fault, or lack of appeal.

Dr can prescribe estrogen. This will help.

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Replies to "http://www.m.webmd.com/women/guide/vaginal-dryness-causes-moisturizing-treatments?page=4 1) go to dr., bring your husband. This may help him to realize its not..."

Dear Lost, my problem is just the opposite. I am in the mood and my boyfriend isn't. We go weeks without it and when he do get in the mood things start out good but his manhood goes down before we can have sex. We are not married but we have been seeing each other since December of last year. What can I do? We want admit something is wrong and he want go to the doctor!