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Hello @margaret12 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You have asked many questions about liver Mets and NETs. Are you asking on behalf of yourself or a family member?

You are looking for information about Gallium 69 as well as Copper 64. Have you had these diagnostic tests or has your doctor recommended one or both?

Here is some information from Mayo Connect about the Gallium 68 scan,
- FDG PET scan vs. 68Ga DOTATATE PET scan for neuroendocrine cancer

What symptoms are you currently dealing with?

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Replies to "Hello @margaret12 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You have asked many questions about liver Mets..."

For myself. Extreme fatigue, had some upper abdomen pressure with enlarged CBD but that passed. Have choice of either Copper64 or Gallium68 (concerned with larger radiation Copper64). Had 2 high Pancreastatin tests in Feb and March at 660 and 655 with BioAgilitix but three subsequent from Interscience were in 60s. Had anyone else had issues with BioAgilitix lab. Newest is L buttocks pain (possibly bone). Not sure if I should do the PETCT tests.