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Side effects of statins

Heart & Blood Health | Last Active: Dec 27, 2021 | Replies (5)

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Do you find them to upset the digestive track and cause extreme flatulence?

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Replies to "Do you find them to upset the digestive track and cause extreme flatulence?"

You don't give your age, but there is no reliable research to indicate that statins are helpful for seniors, including those with established artery disease. That said, it is also possible that you are statin intolerant and should stay away from them. But don't quit "cold turkey." That can cause statin rebound, which is very dangerous and sometimes fatal for people who have already had a coronary event. By the way, there is active debate among scientists as to whether or not statins should ever be prescribed, given their interference with the mevalonate pathway, except for familial hypercholesterolemia and certain other very specific situations. Many cardiologists are hung up on the statin hype and they have not had the time (or the research background which I have) to find out what statins actually are and do. Statins are amazing and useful drugs, but they are not candy.There are reports to the FDA of thousands of deaths over the years from statins. And do not fret over your cholesterol level;take up to 3600 mg of fish oil daily and 400-1200mg daiy of CoQ10 daily and enjoy the rest of your life. Remember, doctors don't know everything and this is your health, not theirs, that is at issue here. Good luck!