← Return to Small Fiber Neuropathy: Is there a special diet I should be on?

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Hello @kfrenc04, I would like to add my welcome along with @colleenyoung and other members. I have small fiber PN and when I was told there's nothing that will help my numbess symptoms I started looking at nutrition. What really got me interested was running across the story of Dr. Terry Wahls and how she reversed her MS symptoms through cellular nutrition. Here's her story - https://terrywahls.com/about/about-terry-wahls/. I posted my story and what helps me in another discussion here https://connect.mayoclinic.org/comment/310341/

The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy has some good information on diet and nutrition for neuropathy patients here -- https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/lifestyle/nutrition/

I can say that diet and exercise have both played a major part in slowing if not stopping the progression of my neuropathy. I don't think it's the total answer but it really helps. From your previous posts it sounds like your feet being cold all the time and hurting is the symptom that bothers you the most. You mentioned wearing Ugg boots all of the time helps. A few years ago I was diagnosed with lymphedema after have a cardiologist look at swelling issues I was having in my legs. As a result I was prescribed some compression socks which have controlled the swelling. My feet are always cold also. A lot of times I will wear some wool socks over the top of my compression socks which are quite thin.

Do you think it might be related to blood circulation in your feet and legs?

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Replies to "Hello @kfrenc04, I would like to add my welcome along with @colleenyoung and other members. I..."

Thank you for the link to the The Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy for diet suggestions. I noticed that it did not say to avoid nightshades. In other posts, nightshades are said to be detrimental. Thoughts, anyone?