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Celebrations and Being on the Spectrum

Autism (ASD) | Last Active: Nov 21, 2022 | Replies (33)

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Welcome Robyn, I believe both @auntieoakley and @gingerw were diagnosed as adults and may have some pointers to offer. I think knowing more about the diagnosis also helps those around you understand.

@jonperyer, I extend my welcome to you too. You mentioned that you are just learning about living on the spectrum, too. Did you only recently receive a diagnosis?

Declining social invitations is certainly everyone's right. How do you decline but also let people know that you enjoyed being invited and included?

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Replies to "Welcome Robyn, I believe both @auntieoakley and @gingerw were diagnosed as adults and may have some..."

I saw my doctor about my suspicions at the end of October and am still going through the process of receiving a diagnosis. It's definitely been a journey of self discovery lol, a life time of things suddenly making sense. I think now that I am aware I try harder to explain my thought process to my family, why I react the way I do towards certain situations. It will take time before they understand it, but its nice to finally not feel like I am just crazy, or broken.

Lately if I don't feel like going out, I just let my family know I need to rest tonight. I don't feel as obligated to be a part of the group all the time, now I know rest is important. I still stress out about hurting others feelings, but that's just part of who I am, and I am starting to finally understand more about who I am which has been really nice.