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Total knee replacement strep infection

Infectious Diseases | Last Active: Jul 23, 2021 | Replies (4)

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That's good information however what I have is definitely a Strep infection not staph!

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Replies to "That's good information however what I have is definitely a Strep infection not staph!"

@stony Thanks for setting me straight on the type of your infection. I am not a medical professional, but generally it would still be the same discussion regardless of which bacteria caused it. What would be different would be the antibiotics used to treat the infection because those are specific to different kinds of bacteria, and also what strength dosage is needed and for how long. That advice needs to come from a qualified medical professional or possibly a pharamacist. I did find this link that discusses different types of infections after surgery as general information. Thank you for your post and I have learned something today. Perhaps others with similar experiences will share their stories.
