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What to wear after shoulder replacement

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Jun 8, 2021 | Replies (49)

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Shoulder replacement 18 days past. My surgeon said sleeping with the arm without the sling can be a difficult transition. I did not query him more about this upcoming situation. Do you have any insight? thnx

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Replies to "Shoulder replacement 18 days past. My surgeon said sleeping with the arm without the sling can..."

Good question, @cattanzer. I'm going to ask @artscaping @ltsally @irish283 and others in this discussion to weigh in about sleeping comfortably once the sling is removed. They have first-hand experience.

Cat tanzer, when will you have the sling removed? Will you be seeing the doctor again before that time to ask him for more sleep positioning tips? Oh, and how did the surgery go?