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Hi @4real, have you ever been evaluated for hypermobile joints? Several of the symptoms and slow healing, joint pain, unexplained symptoms even after numerous scans, they all sound like they could be related to hypermobile joints. I spent the last 29 years thinking the way my body moved was normal but realized quickly that it wasn’t once I went to Mayo Clinic and was evaluated. Literally all of my labs are normal. My scans show Degenerative Disc Disease, scoliosis, herniations and buldges from an accident, however I continue to have debilitating slipping discs in my neck and no explanation other than loose connective tissue. This could be worth looking into!

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Replies to "Hi @4real, have you ever been evaluated for hypermobile joints? Several of the symptoms and slow..."

@healthhopefreedom , you may be onto something! When I'm able, I'll definitely get it evaluated. I have joint stiffness at times, but for the most part, no pain. As a teen, my bones were popping out of place all the time. I figured I was just growing too fast.

Until I was 30, I could bend my thumb down to my wrist, and bend the top joints of all my fingers. I still have trouble pushing stiff buttons, because my finger just bends and bends. I rarely bend my knees when I pull weeds, etc. On the other hand, I've never been able to squat or do some other normal movements involving my thighs and hips.

I'm sorry to hear about your slipping discs. That sounds awful!