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No worry, Fiesy76! United Health Care coverage for this is great! They began offering it in Fl 1/2020.....I signed up that day almost. It's the same coverage as Silver Sneakers I think.....I can join for free all the gyms/YMCA's/and others and attend all the Silver Sneakers programs. I joined the Y in my area that has the warm therapy pool so I can use it with their programs.....baby water arobics, etc.....as well as use it alone. I haven't gone to the classes yet....seated yoga, etc.....due to own health issues and covid. Soon I hope. Enjoy your new found gift! Blessings, Elizabeth

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Replies to "No worry, Fiesy76! United Health Care coverage for this is great! They began offering it in..."

Wherein Fla? Gen area please? I have to wind up legal stuff in CA and get moving better here water therapy is so wonderful. My family is in Palm Coasut, Riverview, Boca Raton. Warm warmer and warmist!

@ess77, Thank you so much for this information and for your good wishes, Elizabeth!