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The Chat Room: A place to talk about this and that

Just Want to Talk | Last Active: Nov 8, 2023 | Replies (196)

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Hi Mary,
You want more humidity in the form of tears?
Furniture came back,and let’s just say, my upholstered pieces smell like fire and mold.
Today will order new furniture.
The trash hauler will pick up my stuff after I destroy it. By destroy I mean cut up material, so nobody takes it for themselves to use.
Mess after mess, after mess.
If you could see my living room you would run to the hills.
I put the last 2 pieces of flagstone down, since you were not going to fly out.
At my age I do t know where I get the energy???

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Replies to "Hi Mary, You want more humidity in the form of tears? Furniture came back,and let’s just..."

Your energy comes from your mind lady
I suspect that's why they call you fun countess.
Mold and fire smells in upholstery will never go away.
I could still smell basement smells from some things that were stored there when we moved from NY. I think it took a good 10 yrs for some items to smell normal again.

But what fun...new furniture.
Hardly anything makes me run for the Hills anymore
I love a challenge, like you seem to and think we would have made good neighbors.

FL Mary