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Should I go to Mayo? Chronic Kidney Disease

Kidney & Bladder | Last Active: Aug 28, 2020 | Replies (14)

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@gladiator14 - Did your nephrologist at Univ of Iowa tell you anything about the drugs that he wants you to take? I hope you have a follow-up appointment soon so you can get some answers like: What are they supposed to do? How long until you see results? What kind of diet, as well as how you will know whether it is working to your advantage? I believe that I would get him to answer those questions for you. Also a phone call to Mayo is another possibility to learn whether an appointment would be an option.
I want to introduce some members who have experience with Mayo and/or CKD to share their insights and experience - @cmael @ca426 @marvinjsturing @jolinda @2011panc @cehunt57 - What do you have to say to @gladiator14about his situation?

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Replies to "@gladiator14 - Did your nephrologist at Univ of Iowa tell you anything about the drugs that..."

@gladiator14 Is there any benefit from you returning to Mayo for your renal issues? Definitely. You will have access to specialists for your kidneys, blood pressure, medications, diet, nutrition, heart and digestive system. All of these systems interact and need to be followed and understood to the best of your ability. Best of all, Mayo will provide you with a plan of care, testing and results, and ANSWERS! Please go for your best possible outcome and peace of mind. You have started a difficult journey that will be much easier to traverse using the assistance available at Mayo. Please go.j