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COVID-19 and Transplant Patients

Transplants | Last Active: Mar 6, 2021 | Replies (459)

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Let us remember that the FDA has not yet officially approved of any of the vaccines for COVID19. It is unrealistic to expect a recommendation of any unapproved vaccine or medication during This pandemic or anytime.
I am confident, as I have stated in many previous posts, that Mayo and all of the other transplant centers are doing research.
Let’s not put the cart in front of the horse. Let’s practice our self care and patiently wait.

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Replies to "Let us remember that the FDA has not yet officially approved of any of the vaccines..."

Great reminder Rosemary - except some of us are not very good at waiting patiently...

I'm with Sue on this one. Great response-

Hi all, Rosemary is correct. Please know that Mayo Clinic is on top of this situation and your transplant teams are waiting for the official word that a vaccine is ready. Once that happens, the teams will need to gather to study the vaccine science of the ones released to be sure they are appropriate for you. This process takes time, so if the FDA releases authorization tomorrow, please don't expect to hear from your transplant team on Monday. They are waiting for guidance from the experts and officials, and then I am certain for those who are Mayo Clinic patients, we will have a statement that your teams will send to you. When that happens, we will certainly give a statement in this group. Just remember, the doctor caring for you should be the one you get your information from. We will provide a general statement here once one is available, but you should never do any new vaccines without consulting with your own care team. We are all impatiently waiting as this has been such a long haul. There's an end in sight - just try to be patient just a bit longer.