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Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Women's Health | Last Active: Oct 15, 2019 | Replies (16)

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I always notice I get very sad, crying spells and feeling down right before my menstrual? what are some of the remdies for this. I have been dealing with this consistently for the last few years. What is the difference between depression and depression linked to PMS?

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Replies to "I always notice I get very sad, crying spells and feeling down right before my menstrual?..."

Hi, @olivia22819 - I moved your post here to this discussion on premenstrual syndrome (PMS) you started previously. This is so that all the conversation on this topic can be in the same place and so that members like @merpreb @contentandwell @mscoyote @lioness could continue talking with you about your symptoms. Perhaps they have some further thoughts on the crying spells and feeling down you're experiencing before your cycle and what they feel is the difference between depression and depression linked to PMS. @lorena1egas also may have some thoughts for you.

Have you been prescribed any medication to help you with the premenstrual symptoms you have experienced, olivia22819?

@olivia22819 - Good morning. That's a great question about depression. Depression is a universal term describing many different "down moods" Your feelings of sadness, crying spells and feeling down just prior to your period are hormone induced. I do not think that https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/premenstrual-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20376780
How long do these periods last, 4-5 days? Less? I hate to say this but exercise is the best remedy. Get out and bike and hike, run or walk, swim. This will help with cramps too, if they aren't severe. What a miserable time that is, I remember it well. There are also medicines. Have you spoken to your OB?