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thank you for the links. I read both of them. Is some of this info on heavy bleeding new? like past the 1970'w early 80s? I was a mess when I started my period at 14 back in the 70's. My sister was concerned,, my mother was not. My dr knew. nothing was done. Now I have fibroids ( getting a second opinion at mayo end of Oct). AND,, I was just informed today that my red count was 5.something, signifying I am pre- diabetic. Both sister and brother developed type 2. I have lost 40+ lbs since last fall. (I'm 5'6" and now weigh 180),, have been down to 178. I JUST also had a yearly physical and I"m sure these blood tests were also ran then,, but nobody said anything. My psych just ordered these tests. sigh... Can't wait to go to Mayo and get a over all assessment done with a team of drs... I just don't feel like I"m getting all the info or 'help' I"m needing.

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Replies to "thank you for the links. I read both of them. Is some of this info on..."

Hi, @mcmurf2 - I don't happen to know the exact review schedule for the lay medical information on mayoclinic.org, but I do know the writers are on a very strict review/update schedule, plus they update if major news comes out or a physician alerts them to something, in which case they review.