Sharp pin like plain

Posted by poppins @poppins, May 16, 2019

I have Mac Brochiectasis found November 2018. , No treatment,Dr. appointment August. I just had some sharp pin like pain near the area of my right lung. I am blaming it on exercise or the fact I moved the lawn yesterday. BUT if this due to Mac and I should get checked out now? Has anyone else had this feeling? Thank you.

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@poppins Yes! I used to get those sharp pains also when I was infected with mac. They are unexplainable. If you ask your dr, he/she would probably scratch their head and say 'I dunno." I would get them and wonder if I had pleurisy or something. Supposedly, there are no nerve endings in the lung, but I beg to differ.


Thank you I will keep an eye on it. Hopefully too much activity as I never stop. LOL


I have MAC and on rare occasion get a pain like you have described. Sometime I think may be heart related, but apparently, that has not been the case. Maybe it's just something that comes with age. jerry


It could be from mowing the lawn etc. Anyway I am not going to dwell on it. Thanks for your answer.


I had been having some occasional pains like what you describe. I would get a sharp chest pain that was pleuritic (worse with a deep breath or cough, and it would last anywhere from a few hours to a few days. I would try to relate it to exercise or a change in sleeping position,but usually just couldn’t figure out what it was. And never bad enough, or lasting long enough to see a doctor for it. And now that I reflect, I don’t think I’ve had any since starting on the Big Three antibiotic treatment 4 months ago. So, maybe it was due to the MAC.


Poppins, I have an extremely sharp stabbing like pain in my ribs under my right breast. That is the lung where my Mac has taken up residence. This pain comes and goes but when it does, it is excruciating to cough, which I constantly gave to do. I attributed the pain to coughing too hard and spraining the intercostal muscles. The pain usually lasts for several weeks at a time and makes it hard to wear a bra!! Lol. The area that gives me pain is an area where I had broken ribs from a bout of pneumonia coughing several years ago.

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