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Anxiety or Heart Issues?

Depression & Anxiety | Last Active: Nov 18, 2019 | Replies (62)

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Thanks for all the replies all. I went to my doctor today and was telling him all the symptoms have come back. I was on a low dose of a beta blocker so we are going to try to up my dose a bit and see if that helps. I forgot to add that I did have an echocardiogram done on my heart too. All the tests I've done, I've passed with flying colors. I'm overweight too and have been working hard to shed the extra pounds. It just gets hard when I have all these symptoms... just scares me and I lay in bed most days aftet work. Hoping the increase in my beta blocker helps.

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Replies to "Thanks for all the replies all. I went to my doctor today and was telling him..."

@libby93 We're here for you! Like so many have said, it is a tricky situation. Everyday the way our bodies work as a miracle machine, so many different duties working together, and sometimes the communications get a bit crossed. I really am glad to hear your Dr is listening to you, and working with you to find a solution.

@libby93- Good morning Libby. I hope that you are feeling better today. I have GERD too and sometimes it gets so bad because of the pain in my upper torso. I have a great GI guy. This past year he introduced me to a natural food supplement called FDGARD (https://fdgard.com/?gclid=CjwKCAjwqfDlBRBDEiwAigXUaFh2Nyxjvcg8U4p_SFiYMPRT_mqSBvP24AR8MKc-9mxbe4MDur__SxoCKSkQAvD_BwE). I was told to take my omeprazole first then after 1/2 hour to take the FDGARD then wait another 1/2 hr and eat. When I get a flare up I do this and I actually started one the night before last. By morning the pain was gone.
There are ways to prevent GERD

Is the doctor who prescribed the blocker a GI guy?